The financial impact of pet ownership in rental properties: a cost-benefit analysis

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The financial impact of pet ownership in rental properties: a cost-benefit analysis

Project Director: Lindsey McCarthy
Project Duration: 2023

The primary aim of this research is to provide a rigorous analysis of the financial costs and benefits to landlords of accepting tenants with pets to enable a more informed debate on the topic to support the development of practical solutions to a major obstacle that prevents the more widespread provision of pet friendly properties in the PRS. The research will:

  • establish the financial costs and benefits, and the overall financial risk to landlords of accepting tenants with pets;
  • compare the cost-benefit ratio for tenants with pets with that of non-pet-owning tenants who are banned from keeping a pet;
  • identify any management practices that significantly impact the cost-benefit ratio for tenants with pets, and assess the potential impact of requiring tenants with pets to take out insurance cover for damage caused by their pets.

The project team also includes Tom Simcock (University of Huddersfield), Phil Brown (University of Huddersfield) and Alper Kara (University of Huddersfield).

Project reports

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Lindsey McCarthy 220899

Lindsey McCarthy

Research Fellow

Lindsey McCarthy's profile

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