Just Retrofit! Governance of housing retrofit for a just and decarbonised regional economy

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Just Retrofit! Governance of housing retrofit for a just and decarbonised regional economy

Project Director: Dr Rachel Macrorie
Project Duration: 2023-2024

Just Retrofit! builds on research conducted by CRESR as part of the South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre to investigate the governance of housing retrofit for a just regional net zero energy transition. The project has the following objectives:

  • To critically examine the discourses and paradigms associated with proposed housing retrofit initiatives in SY.
  • To develop an analytical framework to understand how a just transition to housing decarbonisation through retrofit can be governed at scale to transform working lives and contribute to thriving communities.
  • To examine the different organisational structures and actor coalitions being developed to orchestrate a scaled housing retrofit programme and investigate political tensions arising.
  • To map and typologise the tools, techniques and delivery mechanisms being trialled meet the scaled retrofit challenge.
  • Draw on feminist place-based economic geographies support policy development of the SY regional retrofit programme, focusing on potential to deliver quality work, thriving livelihoods and communities, and seek to address enduring regional inequalities.

Research team

Will Eadson 206209

Will Eadson

Professor of Urban and Regional Studies

Will Eadson's profile
Rachel Macrorie

Rachel Macrorie

Research Associate

Woman smiling at camera

Dawn Witherley

Research Culture Manager

Dawn Witherley's profile

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