Housing, integration and segregation: A rapid literature review

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Housing, integration and segregation: A rapid literature review

Project Director: Tom Archer
Project Duration: 2017

This work was commissioned by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) in 2017, to support the development of the government’s Integrated Communities Green Paper. The project sought to identify and summarise evidence on the role of housing in shaping processes of integration and segregation.

An extensive literature review was beyond the scope of this work. Sources were gathered through targeted searches and recommendations by experts in the field. In total over 40 academic publications, policy documents and good practice guides were reviewed.

Whilst highlighting the importance of factors beyond the domain of housing, which affect housing choices, residential settlement patterns and so on, the research highlights good practices that have been adopted by housing bodies. It also provides guidance on the future measurement of integration and segregation, and sets out a number of gaps in evidence that need to be addressed. The historic nature of much of the literature available, alongside rapid changes in the housing market and public policy, suggests a renewed focus on research in this field is required.

Link on Green paper - here.

Project reports

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Research team

Tom Archer

Tom Archer

Senior Research Fellow

Tom Archer's profile
Kesia Reeve

Kesia Reeve

Principal Research Fellow

Kesia Reeve's profile