Evaluation of the More than Food Programme

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Evaluation of the More than Food Programme

Project Director: Chris Dayson
Project Duration: 2016-2018

In June 2016 CRESR was appointed to evaluate the 'More than Food' programme on behalf of the Trussell Trust.

The work of the Trussell Trust, a 400-strong network of foodbanks across the UK, has grown in size and prominence as a response to food poverty in post-austerity Britain.

The More Than Food Programme was developed to offer support to clients beyond emergency food provision with the aim of addressing the underlying causes of food poverty and crises within a single community hub.

The programme, which has received funding from a range of sources, including the Big Lottery Fund and Comic Relief, focuses on four main areas:

  • Money management
  • Healthy eating
  • Holiday clubs for families
  • Tackling fuel poverty.

The More Than Food Programme was endorsed in Feeding Britain - the report of the All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into hunger in the UK. The report recommended a formal roll-out of a 'one stop shop' model of delivery, seeking to address the underlying causes and the symptoms of food poverty 'by providing advice, skills and advocacy services, as well as food and human friendship, under one roof'.

The project team also includes Anna Hawkins (Sheffield Hallam University).

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Research team

Chris Dayson 208858

Chris Dayson

Professor of Voluntary Action, Health & Wellbeing

Chris Dayson's profile
Will Eadson 206209

Will Eadson

Professor of Urban and Regional Studies

Will Eadson's profile
Sadie Parr 122983

Sadie Parr

Senior Research Fellow

Sadie Parr's profile