Collating and targeting evidence to achieve domains in the Public Health Outcomes Framework: How to reduce fuel poverty, excess winter death and illness

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Collating and targeting evidence to achieve domains in the Public Health Outcomes Framework: How to reduce fuel poverty, excess winter death and illness

Project Director: Angela Tod
Project Duration: 2012-2013

The aim of the project was to develop a methodology for implementing public health evidence/ knowledge into policy and practice across new public health sectors and partners in order to achieve key public health outcomes for a defined population. In the first instance, we focussed on excess winter deaths and fuel poverty outcomes in the Public Health Outcomes Framework.

The project team also included Professor Chris Bentley, Professor Geoff Green, Catherine Homer, Dr Paul Redgrave, Dr Bernard Stafford (Sheffield Hallam University).

For further information on this project: here.

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Research team

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Jan Gilbertson

Senior Research Fellow

Jan Gilbertson's profile