CRESR research projects

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CRESR research projects

You can search by theme and read about the latest research projects from the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. 

Showing 307 articles

Evaluation of the Affordable Homes Programme 2021-26

Client: Department for Levelling Up Communities and Local Government | Staff: Ian Wilson, Ed Ferrari, Tom Archer, Rosie Smith, Jamie Redman, Colin Warnock, Verian, Simetrica Jacobs

ESRC Collaborative Centre for Community Connectedness (C4)

Client: Economic and Social Research Council | Staff: Peter Wells, Ellie Munro, Chris Dayson, Ian Wilson, Andrea Wigfield. Ellie Lockley, Alessandro Di Nuovo, Jon Dean, Maddy Arden

Doncaster Health Determinants Research Collaboration (HDRC)

Client: National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) | Staff: Doncaster Council, Sheffield Hallam University and University of Sheffield

Active Travel Portfolio Research and Evaluation Programme

Client: Department for Transport | Staff: Ed Ferrari, Steve Parkes, Ian Wilson, Chris Dayson, Maxine Gregory, Katie Shearn, Joy Mhonda, Sokratis Dinos, Chris Taylor

Creative Health Boards

Client: AHRC/UKRI| Staff: Sheffield Hallam University, University of Sheffield, darts, Cast, Heritage Doncaster, Doncaster HDRC

National Civic Impact Accelerator

Client: Research England | Staff: Ed Ferrari, Julian Dobson, John Goddard

South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre

Client: Research England | Staff: Will Eadson, Aimee Ambrose, Rachel Macrorie, Dawn Witherley, Anna Hawkins, Dave Leather, Drew Woodhouse, Elpida Apostolopoulou, Amy Grace

Nature Recovery Farming: Supporting the Transition

Client: South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre | Staff: Anna Hawkins, Joe Glentworth, Catherine Hammond, Ellen Bennett, Emma Cary

Yorkshire Policy and Engagement Research Network

Client: Research England | Staff: Peter Wells, Jamie Redman, Elizabeth Sanderson and Rich Crisp

Evaluation of the Rough Sleeping Drug and Alcohol Treatment Grant

Client: Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID), Department for Health and Social Care | Staff: Stephen Green

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