The climate and nature emergencies are the greatest challenges facing Earth’s inhabitants. Transitions to a low carbon society and the restoration of the natural world are urgent and overdue. The Sustainable Futures cluster explores the implications and experiences of these transitions from social, economic, socio-technical, historical and policy perspectives and from the perspectives of citizens, non-human actors and professional stakeholders.
We are particularly concerned with how transitions play out in the energy and transport sectors, within urban environments and we use robust research evidence to promote just transitions and a focus on lesser heard groups across these domains.
We contribute to these agendas nationally and internationally and are currently engaged in the delivery of qualitative, quantitative and interdisciplinary research and evaluation in the following areas, funded by regulated funders and contract research commissions for governmental and non-governmental policy and practice organisations.
digitalisation of everyday life and urban spaces
energy poverty research and knowledge transfer
evaluation of environmental policies and initiatives
green jobs
high consumers and consumption inequality
housing and health
lesser heard energy users
lived experiences of domestic energy efficiency
nature recovery and green spaces
place based impacts of deindustrialisation
sustainable transport and active travel
the governance and fairness of energy and environmental transitions and citizen engagement