What is the role of voluntary sector organisations in tackling the ecological and climate crises?

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This event was held in-person at Sheffield Hallam University and also on Zoom.

19 March 2024

What is the role of voluntary sector organisations in tackling the ecological and climate crises?

Time: 3.30-5.00 pm
Speakers: Peter Wells (Sheffield Hallam University), Naomi Chapman (New Philanthropy Capital), Nick Kirsop-Taylor (University of Exeter)
Venue: Sheffield Hallam University, Cantor Building, Room 9315, City Campus / Zoom

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Peter Wells

What is the role of voluntary sector organisations in tackling the ecological and climate crises?​

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  • Peter Wells (Sheffield Hallam University)
  • Naomi Chapman (New Philanthropy Capital)
  • Chris Dayson (Sheffield Hallam University)

Session abstract

Societies around the globe face an existential threat from the ecological and climate crises. The responsibility to respond is often placed with individuals, businesses, or the policy making and revenue generation powers of the state. Where then, does the voluntary sector fit into this mix? Does it, perhaps, provide a space where debate and ideas can be exchanged, or action taken, at least partially less unencumbered by political or profit driven imperatives? Or perhaps its role is more catalytic, providing a forum through which other sectors can be influenced? The speakers of our panel will present their reflections on this topic, drawing on their own research interests and experience, before a wider discussion with the panel audience.


Peter Wells is Professor of Public Policy Analysis and Evaluation at Sheffield Hallam University. He is the academic lead for SHU's climate action strategy. He is currently leading research for Local Trust evaluating its Big Local programme and for Research England supporting the development of the Yorkshire Policy Engagement Research Network. He has worked closely with the Sheffield and Rotherham Wildlife Trust and other local partners to develop the Sheffield Lakeland Partnership.

Naomi Chapman is a Senior Consultant at New Philanthropy Capital (NPC): the think tank and consultancy for the social sector, which helps both charities and funders to maximise their impact on the lives of the people they serve. She is the Programme Manager for Everyone’s Environment, a coalition of more than 50 social and environmental charities seeking to accelerate action on the social impacts of the environmental crises, and supports charities and funders to develop and implement ambitious strategies that incorporate systems thinking and increased collaboration.

Chris Dayson is Professor of Voluntary Action, Health and Wellbeing in the Centre for Economic and Social Research (CRESR) and co-lead of the Research Pillar at the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC). Chris's research focuses on local voluntary and community action and contribution it makes to health and wellbeing. He is a leading international expert on the topic of social prescribing and part of the National Academy for Social Prescribing's International Evidence Collaborative.

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Joining details

This event was held in-person at Sheffield Hallam University and also on Zoom.