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Privacy Notice

The University will use the personal data supplied to respond to your enquiry/booking and uses a customer relationship management system to support this service. We may also invite you to provide feedback on your experiences to help us improve our services.

How can we contact you

From time to time the University would like to send you further information that we feel, based on your enquiry, will provide helpful information and advice whilst you are considering applying to university. If you would like to hear from us, please check the boxes below. If you don't want to hear from us just leave all 5 boxes blank.

You can update these options and unsubscribe from mailings at any time by emailing You will automatically be removed from our mailing list after 2 years.

Personal data is never sold to a third party. The University seeks to comply fully with data protection laws and ensures all our contractors and suppliers also comply.

Cancel event

Are you sure you want to cancel your place on Saturday 12 November?
