Leanna Fairfax

Leanna Fairfax

From Homelessness policy to everyday lives - the importance of gender and the impact this has on single mothers ‘experiences of homelessness

Women’s experiences of privately rented temporary accommodation: moving from policy to the everyday

Leanna has several experiences of homelessness and later went back to university. She discovered housing research through her BA in Social Policy and noticed a lack of representation of her experiences of homelessness within research.

Leanna then completed an MA in Social Research at the University of Leeds. She is also an Evidence and Data Associate at the Centre for Homelessness Impact as well as a member of a new lived experience group ran by Shelter.

Leanna’s PhD is concerned with the gendered nature of housing with a particular reference to the management of single mothers who are homeless.

Women and gender theories are underrepresented in research and literature; this makes it harder to understand their experiences but also the true extent of gender inequalities that exist within homelessness and housing. This research hopes to demonstrate this by drawing attention to the sexual divisions of labour that under pin the original creation of the Homelessness Act and understanding how this still shapes women’s experiences of homelessness today.

This will be conducted through qualitative research. It is hoped this research will be able to draw attention within academia to the importance of gender theories within homelessness but also how gender inequalities are reproduced within it. It is hoped this will help us understand how we can better support women within homelessness and beyond.
