Our partners

Contact us

For more information, please contact Prof Andrea Wigfield.

Email: andrea.wigfield@shu.ac.uk
Tel: 0114 2252531
Mob: 07798791292

Our partners

South Yorkshire Police

South Yorkshire Police is among the most improving police forces in England and Wales. We are committed to making South Yorkshire a safer place to live in, work in or visit. We pride ourselves in delivering a service with integrity, sensitivity and respect, always putting people first.

Our ambition is to be the best police force in the country as well as being a balanced organisation providing the full range of services to the people of South Yorkshire whilst delivering their priorities.

We recognise that there is always more that we can do to improve. To do this we know we need to invest in the development of our staff and forge strong partnerships with other agencies to make South Yorkshire’s communities safer.

Sheffield Young Carers

Sheffield Young Carers is an independent charity that has existed in Sheffield since 1997. We are dedicated to supporting young carers across the city.

For more information, you can visit the Sheffield Young Carers website.

Sheffield Carers Centre

Sheffield Carers Centre is operated by a consortium of local charities committed to supporting carers in the city. The service is for adult carers who are looking after someone who is also an adult (aged 18+).

For more information, you can visit the Sheffield Carers Centre website.

Equal Arts (HenPower)

The HenPower project brings together older people and hen-keeping to combat loneliness and depression and improve wellbeing. Now in more than 40 care homes, HenPower creatively engages older people in arts activities and hen-keeping to promote health and wellbeing and reduce loneliness.

Age UK

Age UK is the country's largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. The over-60s is the fastest-growing group in society and there are more of us than ever before. Ageing is not an illness, but it can be challenging. At Age UK we provide services and support at a national and local level to inspire, enable and support older people. We stand up and speak for all those who have reached later life, and also protect the long-term interests of future generations.

For more information, visit the Age UK website.

Leeds Older Peoples' Forum (LOPF)

Leeds Older People’s Forum aims to promote the well-being of all older people in the city of Leeds, and to give a more powerful voice to older people in shaping their city for the benefit of all its citizens.

For more information, visit the Leeds Older Peoples' Forum website.


Riptide create unique immersive and interactive theatrical experiences which transport you to another world. Audiences are swept through the narratives, spaces and cities in which our performances occur. Since 2014, Riptide have been making work which places the audience at the heart of the experience, combining innovative storytelling with digital technologies. These experiences may be as varied as encounters in secret corners of a confetti-filled nightclub, an intimate, pervasive and personalised performance for one or a guided journey through city spaces accompanied by smartphone and GPS technology. Riptide’s work combines the artistry of immersive theatre, the thrill of being inside a real-life Black Mirror episode and the interactivity of your very own Truman Show. Riptide recently launched project intimacy- an SMS-based, curated experience designed to reduce loneliness.

For more information, visit the Riptide website.

Contact us

For more information, please contact Prof Andrea Wigfield.

Email: andrea.wigfield@shu.ac.uk
Tel: 0114 2252531
Mob: 07798791292