Centre for Loneliness Studies Seminar Series

16 June 2023 | 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM

Centre for Loneliness Studies Seminar Series


This month we welcome Dr. David Clayton from De Montfort University, Leicester, and Alex Palmer of ‘Project Intimacy’. David’s presentation is called “Like an unbridled horse that runs away with you”: A study of older and disabled people during the COVID-19 pandemic and their use of digital technologies. He will present some of the findings and conclusions from his work, and consider what they mean for future use of technology for preventing and alleviating loneliness in older people. Alex’s presentation is called ‘Project intimacy: combatting loneliness through a SMS-digital experience’. Project intimacy consists of a digital experience in which anonymous participants navigate a series of conversation starters, tasks and prompts with a stranger. It was formed in March 2020 to promote social interaction during the Covid-19 pandemic. Each speaker will present for 15 minutes, after which there will be 30 minutes for questions.

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