Biodigester, an innovation in recycling food waste

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Biodigester, an innovation in recycling food waste

BMRC researchers worked with Waste Recycling and Destruction Ltd to find a way to use waste food and beverage products to produce biogas, finding an environmentally-friendly way to manage waste and helping to solve the UK’s energy gap

Daniela Petrelli and Nick Dulake at work on meSch

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The challenge

As part of their commitment to investigating and delivering green initiatives, Waste Recycling and Destruction Ltd (WRD) wanted to know whether it might be possible to use waste food and beverage products to produce biogas. This would offer an environmentally-friendly way to manage waste, and help to solve the UK’s energy gap in the process. Biogas comprises of methane (50-70%), carbon dioxide (30-40%) and low amounts of other gases. Biogas with a high methane content is more desirable and has increased efficiency. Our challenge was to increase the methane content from food waste in a cost-efficient manner.

Damien Gaunt, the recycling technologies manager at WRD, began discussions with Dr Jillian Newton, commercial researcher and innovation translator at Sheffield Hallam’s Biomolecular Sciences Research Centre (BMRC). The pair then approached Innovation Futures for support in carrying out further investigations into this exciting new opportunity.

Testing samples 

The BMRC team at Sheffield Hallam have a wealth of experience in developing analytical solutions for industry. Using the centre’s state-of-the-art equipment, the team began to look at the effect of microbes on biogas yield. WRD provided the food slurry to be used in the tests for comparison of biogas production, and simultaneous experiments were set up to compare the effects of adding chemicals or microbes on production of biogas.

The samples were monitored over seven days to determine which substrates gave optimal methane concentrations. The results of the experiment showed a definite and significant increase of between 86 and 99% in biogas production from the samples which had added microbes. 

Although still in its early stages, this research will have a major impact on the potential profitability of biodigestion.

The impact of the research

Dr Jillian Newton said, 'When WRD mentioned that they wanted to start recycling their waste food and beverages using a biodigester to create a renewable energy source in the form of biogas, I was able to tailor a project specifically for their needs. The results of the research showed how they could improve biogas yields and therefore increase business profitability. Working together with WRD has forged our business-university relationship and hopefully will lead to future developments'.

Damien Gaunt added, 'As part of a growing group of companies, WRD are keen to explore any advantages within our market which may add to our existing services/requirements and add value to our clients in processing mixed packaged food wastes – working with Sheffield Hallam University we have now developed further ‘technical’ options which could add value from an operational and commercial impact on our services'.


Meikle, S., Amavasai, B.P., Caparrelli, F., Towards real-time object recognition using pairs of lines, Journal of Real-Time Imaging, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 31-43, 2005

Amavasai, B.P., Caparrelli, F., Selvan, A.N. and Travis J.R., Using microrobots for microassembly and micromanipulation, poster, Applications of Microtechnology, Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering, Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, Oxford, UK, 10-11 June 2002

Amavasai, B.P., Caparrelli, F., Selvan, A.N. and Travis J.R., Miniature co-operative robots for micro and nano manipulation, poster, Transferring Microsystems Technology through the Commercial Markets, UK National Physics Laboratory, Teddington, UK, 14-15 April 2003

Research team

Aimee Ambrose

Dr Aimee Ambrose

Reader in energy policy

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