Understanding and addressing the barriers to being self-compassionate

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18 January 2023 | 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Understanding and addressing the barriers to being self-compassionate

Heart of the Campus (HC.0.29), Collegiate Crescent, Broomhall, Sheffield, S10 2BP
Fuschia Sirois

Fuschia Sirois

Fuschia Sirois, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at University of Durham in England, and a former Canada Research Chair in Health and Well-being. She has authored over a 120 peer-reviewed journal papers, over 200 conference papers, 19 book chapters, and authored/edited 10 books. Her research has been funded by a number of national funding agencies including the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada, The Economic and Social Research Council (UK), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK), and the Welsh Government. Professor Sirois’ research investigates the temporal, affective, cognitive, and behavioural dynamics of personality traits and states that that help or hinder people in their efforts to regulate their emotions, thoughts, and behaviours when dealing with life’s challenges. Her research aims to understand ways to enhance resilience and support physical and mental health across a range of populations, including vulnerable populations and individuals living with chronic illness. This research has a particular focus on how positive psychology qualities and interventions, including self-compassion, can support self-regulation and enhance physical health and well-being.

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