Digital culture

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Digital culture

A graphic of an open laptop with the text 'Digital culture research group' next to it

The Digital Culture group extends beyond disciplinary and departmental boundaries. It offers an open and inclusive space where anyone can share their research and ideas of 'the digital' and of changing and emerging cultural forms that are shaping citizen and media practices.

The group promotes research and debate on the wider forms of digital culture within four main themes:

  • Citizenship, Democracy and Literacy
  • Law, Regulation and Governance
  • Digital Health and Wellbeing
  • Digital Research Methodologies

We aim to develop and support research and knowledge exchange collaborations and partnerships between academia, industry stakeholders, and a range of community, cultural and third sector organisations. This objective is driven by a body of creative, applied, and critical work.

Recent projects

Examples of recent and current research projects in digital culture include:

  • Remi Bec’s work on promoting social inclusion and physical activity through play and creation of tangible and large scale technology-supported games.
  • Aron Spall’s work on three-dimensional and immersive imaging techniques as tools for interaction with analogue photographic archives.
  • Ruth Deller, Hantian Zhang, Mon Rodriguez and Kathryn Murphy’s project mapping the connections between sibling YouTubers.
  • Saskia Bayerl’s work on protecting citizens online by focusing on public-facing professionals, and her new project aiming to protect police officers and their families from online harassment and hate crime.
  • Elizabeth Bridgen’s work on the lived experiences of women in public relations around the world.
  • Lada Price’s work on the impact of Covid-19 on journalism practice and press freedom in fragile democracies.
  • Konstantinos Domdouzis’s work on the analysis of the efficiency of different machine learning algorithms for smart buildings.

Work with us

The purpose of the group is to collaborate to explore socio-political questions about the role of digital technologies in a broad range of communities, spaces, and networks. We aim to foster interdisciplinary scholarship by working with a broad range of practitioners, educators, artists, and designers.

Contact Ellie Lockley and Lada Price to join the group and discuss ideas to collaborate with our members.

Related staff

Eleanor Lockley

Dr Eleanor Lockley

Digital Culture research group co-lead, Research Fellow

Eleanor Lockley's profile
Lada Price

Dr Lada Trifonova Price

Digital Culture research group co-lead; CCMS seminar series co-lead, Senior Lecturer in Journalism

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