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A black fist holding a pencil with the text 'anti-racism research group' next to it

The Anti-Racism Research Group provides the opportunity for researchers and practitioners to discuss, study and tackle racial inequality and oppressive practices.

As a research group, we are interested in fostering and supporting interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work that is explicitly committed to social justice.

By aiming to provide resources and guidance on research-led policy innovations that focus on fighting racism and promoting anti-racist initiatives, we engender reflexive, creative and critical practices that hold institutions to account, while building anti-colonial alternatives and possibilities.

Recent projects

Examples of recent and current research projects include:

  • Anandi Ramamurthy’s work on the experiences of Black, Asian and minority ethnic health care workers during COVID-19.
  • Jack Black’s work on forms of online hate during international sporting mega-events.
  • Freya Collier-Sewell’s work on racism, whiteness, and mental health nurse education in Scotland.
  • Rinella Cere’s work on contested colonial heritage at the Pitt Rivers Museum’s Film Archive.
  • Márjory Da Costa-Abreu’s work on ethical issues related to the design and use of Artificial Intelligence-based solutions and their impact on EDI characteristics (race, gender, disability, LGBT+).

Events and screenings

The group will hold regular events linked to topics of current research interest, accessible to staff and postgraduate students in all areas.

For updates, follow CCMS on Twitter.

Work with us

If you are interested in working with the group, please contact one of the group leads:

Related staff

Anandi Ramamurthy

Anandi Ramamurthy

Anti Racism research group co-lead; REF UoA34 joint co-ordinator, Professor in Media and Culture

Staff image placeholder

Dr Jack Black

Anti Racism research group co-lead, CCMS seminar series co-lead, Senior Lecturer

Jack Black's profile

Related projects

Contact us

For more details about research opportunities, our impact and more

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