Using LinkedIn

Using LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking platform. As an aspiring professional, it can help you to network with others and showcase yourself in a professional sense. You can think of your LinkedIn profile as an online CV, but with more functionality. It's never too early or too late to create a profile, so whatever your year of study why not give it a go?

How do I create a LinkedIn profile? 

You can set up a profile for free by going to the LinkedIn website.

For help and support, visit our How to use LinkedIn resource on Career Centre 360. 

Get some top tips on creating a LinkedIn profile from Johanne Gilroy, Employability Adviser

How can I improve my LinkedIn profile? 

  • Make sure that all sections of your profile are complete. List all relevant experience and skills, and focus on responsibilities that are transferrable to the career you are interested in.
  • Make sure you have a professional profile picture and use a background image to make your profile stand out. 
  • Take a look at a range of other profiles and take inspiration from what works well.
  • Add images and examples of your work that show off your skills, such as videos, presentations, excerpts from dissertations, creative portfolios, etc. 
  • Get recommendations - these are particularly useful because they can help to prove that you have the skills and abilities that you are claiming to have on your profile. 

How do I make the most of LinkedIn? 

  • Make connections by trying out the SHU alumni tool. Looking at alumni profiles could also give you inspiration for building your own.
  • Use the Open-to-Work function to let people know that you are looking for opportunities. Consider adding an #OpenToWork photo frame onto your profile photo.
  • Research and follow relevant companies. 
  • Join and engage with professional groups of interest. 
  • Engage with other people’s posts. 
  • Post your own content. 

Why not try LinkedIn Learning, an online educational platform that helps you discover and develop your creative, technology-related and study skills through expert-led course videos. As a SHU student you can undertake LinkedIn Learning courses for free - visit the Hallam Digital Skills site to find out how to access LinkedIn Learning.

Want to find out more?