How do I find a part-time job?
A part-time job is a great way to earn money and gain valuable experience while you are at University. We support you by advertising vacancies, supporting your search, and getting you through the application process. On this page, you’ll find advice and sources of part-time jobs, as well as some important legal information about the hours you can work on a student visa.
Where are part-time jobs advertised?
Handshake is the place to search for part-time and campus jobs. These will generally be opportunities with employers we already have relationships with and who are looking for Hallam students to fill their roles.
You can also look for adverts in local news sources like The Sheffield Star.
As well as looking for advertised vacancies, talk to friends, academics, family - tell them what sorts of roles you are looking for, and get their advice on possible employers or sources of vacancies.
Twice a year, we hold a Hallam Careers Fair where you can meet part-time employers and find out about jobs they have on offer during your studies. You will be able to find out about up-coming fairs on Handshake. And take part in our Prepare for a career fair pathway to learn how to get the most from your time at the fair.
If you are an international student, see our information on National Insurance and tax.
Are there jobs on-campus?
Yes! We are really proud of our campus jobs offer at Hallam. Campus jobs are only for Sheffield Hallam students, and as they are on campus you'll probably be working somewhere you know. For most campus jobs you do not need any previous experience. They are advertised on Handshake. You can follow our campus jobs account on Handshake to receive alerts when a job is available.
Popular roles include:
- Student Ambassadors - Ambassadors are always needed for open days, job fairs, Clearing, graduation events, and lots more. There are specialist ambassador roles for those who speak different languages, have digital skills or are great at social media and marketing.
- Student Assistant - assisting with enrolment, supporting the IT team, helping out at events, working in facilities or catering outlets.
- Casual Research Assistant - working on research projects, usually related to your course/department interests. Attracting a higher rate of pay, these roles are great to hone your research skills.