Graduate Outcomes Survey

Graduate Outcomes Survey

The Graduate Outcomes Survey is a national survey which tells us what graduates are doing and how they feel about it 15 months after graduating from university. This snapshot of graduate life can help you imagine what life might be like for you in the future, giving you ideas and inspiration that you can act on now.

Why do I need to know about it?

When you've completed your studies, you will be asked to contribute to Graduate Outcomes. It's a vital chance for you to share your experiences, and help shape the futures of graduates to come. To do this, please make sure you keep your contact details up to date on My Student Record with Hallam. Otherwise, Hallam will be in touch with you at various points after you have left to ensure the contact details we hold for you are correct.

We'd love you to stay in touch for all sorts of reasons besides participating in the Graduate Outcomes Survey. Tell us informally how you are doing or take part in alumni activities. The Hallam Careers Service offers lifetime career support to graduates, whenever and wherever you need it.

If you have any questions about the survey and would like to ask a member of Sheffield Hallam staff, please email

For information specific to the survey including the kind of questions you may be asked, please visit the official Graduate Outcomes website.