Working in Computing

Working in Computing

Over the last 20 years, the development of technology has led to a broad range of jobs in the computer and technology industry. In the UK, there is a skill shortage in this area, meaning there are lots of great job opportunities here.

You don’t need a degree in Computing or IT to work in the IT sector. There are graduate schemes in IT which will train you in the IT skills you need, as well as digital roles which need non-technical skills (for example, the ability to write and communicate clearly), and where you’ll have the opportunity to develop technical skills as and when you need them. 

Find out more on the Overview of the UK's IT industry page on the Prospects website, which provides an up-to-date overview of the current industry job market.

Places to start exploring your career options! 

If you are looking for a career in the Computer and technology industry, but you’re not sure where to start, see our Career Centre 360 platform to explore the different options available:


Job Boards

Employers also use job boards to advertise roles, so they’re another way to find opportunities. They often have filters by location and job type to help your search. Here are some sector-specific job sites: 

Professional bodies, organisations and regulatory authorities 

Professional bodies and organisations help maintain high standards and reputations in the profession and of their members. Many sectors require their staff to be a member of one of these organisations. Here are some links to the organisations relevant to this sector: