Work placements

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Work placements

Fill skills gaps and get short-term support

Whether you are a small start-up business or a large global organisation, we can help you to recruit talent bespoke to your business needs.

By working with our diverse student pool and offering work placement opportunities, you can gain additional support and resource for your organisation whilst providing real-world industry experience.

We offer several work placement options, including:

  • Short placements with a student or group of students, joining you between 120 hours to 8 weeks as part of their studies, depending on the course
  • Undergraduate sandwich placements (or internships), between 24 and 48 weeks, with students joining you between their second and third year study from June or September
  • Postgraduate placements, between 24 and 48 weeks with students who can join you either in January or September with many students with work experience and wish to gain industry-specific experience to their course type
  • Applied projects, a work-related learning scheme, where students work in collaboration with private, public, and third sector organisations for a period of 10 to 12 weeks  

There is also a 2-year graduate work visa available for international students.

What are the benefits?

Hiring placement students is a great way to:

  • strengthen your team without committing to permanent contracts
  • gives you flexibility in your organisation to deliver projects you’ve had on hold due to capacity and resource
  • gain fresh perspectives for your business and potentially new global perspectives
  • complete projects without using your core resources
  • meet potential future recruits

We're particularly interested in businesses offering placements in the following areas: 

  • Art and design
  • Biosciences and chemistry
  • Business and finance 
  • Law and criminology 
  • Management
  • Media arts and journalism

Our dedicated Employer Partnerships team will work with you to support the work placement opportunity, helping you find a placement student that suits your business needs.

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