Why big-name businesses hire our student interns

  1. Business services
  2. Case studies
  3. Case studies
  4. Why big-name businesses hire our student interns

Why big-name businesses hire our student interns

Hiring an intern can breathe new life into your workplace — bringing fresh energy, new perspectives and specialist skills.

Our city's two main football clubs — Sheffield United and Sheffield Wednesday — each took on interns that helped their youth academy training and match days run smoothly.

What we did

Our cost-effective internships provide excellent opportunities for businesses of all varieties. We help identify their requirements and skills gaps, before advertising to our students.

Sheffield United and Sheffield Wednesday were able to draw from a diverse pool of talent that closely fit their own organisation. Our students are trained for the real world of employment as an integral part of every course, so businesses receive work-ready interns with specialist industry knowledge.

The result

Our interns were able to help the two major footballing institutions with important behind-the-scenes work.

Our sports science student, Tommy Munday, helped with training sessions as an intern academy sport scientist at Sheffield Wednesday.

Sophie Boyes, who studied sport business management, worked as a match day volunteer coordinator at Sheffield United.

Each were able to provide integral support to their clubs, while gaining valuable experience for their degree and wider professional development.

They say

"The club have allowed me to choose which areas of the job to explore, and the experience has confirmed to me what I want to do in the future – work in finance for a football club – and shown me what steps I need to take to make that happen."

Sophie Boyes, Sheffield Hallam University intern

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