Helping a local business go global

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  2. Case studies
  3. Case studies
  4. Helping a local business go global

Helping a local business go global

Maxons have been making sweets in Sheffield since 1885. As an SME with little resource for marketing or research, it was difficult for them to reach new markets.

With the help of our student consultancy and award-winning Design Futures packaging team, they've been able to develop an exciting new brand for global export.

Not only has this resulted in improved sales, our packaging work has also helped them to improve production flow.

This has saved Maxons thousands of pounds in packaging and market research. We’re now working with the brand on a new project to make savings on energy consumption.

“It’s a huge saving for a company of our size. We have a whole new brand to sell in the UK and the export market, and it gives us that view of what we can do over the next ten years, as custodians of the next generation.

“I would always recommend for businesses to work with Sheffield Hallam. It’s a fantastic applied university that gives a huge benefit to any company that it works with. Its breadth of knowledge is massive and beyond what you can see from the outside.”

Richard Pitchfork, Managing director, Maxons Sweets

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