

Here at Sheffield Hallam we have an excellent, long-standing reputation in the Education sector, we help shape the curriculum and education policies and offer knowledge and expertise, covering

  • schools and early years settings
  • adult and community learning providers
  • local authorities
  • national organisations and government bodies

We also work with commercial businesses and organisations, especially those aiming to raise the aspirations of young people in fields such as science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). Our Centre for Science Education (CSE), builds, evaluates and implements educational programmes to encourage the next generation into STEM-based industries and careers.

Our expertise is responsive, flexible and we have a proven track record of having an impact on businesses and organisations, including local authorities and schools. Our staff will work with you to make sure that their expertise and products are suited to you and the needs of your organisation.

You can benefit from a range of services, including:

  • accredited and non-accredited continuing professional development, either off-the-shelf or bespoke programmes
  • knowledge, expertise and consultancy in subject-specific initiatives or school challenges, and innovation in curriculum and policy development
  • research and evaluation, policy evaluation
  • brokerage and advice, including support in accessing funding schemes
  • placements for trainee teachers and other students who want to work in education

Read our case studies

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Speak to our team on 0114 225 5000
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