Find out more about our senior leader apprenticeship programmes

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  3. Find out more about our senior leader apprenticeship programmes

Find out more about our senior leader apprenticeship programmes

Date: Tuesday 20 July 2021
Time: 02.00 PM to 03.00 PM
Venue: Online

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Our senior leader apprenticeship programme is an excellent way to build a stronger team, even in difficult circumstances. They're an opportunity to develop your workforce, diversify the skills in your team and adapt to new challenges.

If you don’t know much about them, they’re similar to traditional apprenticeships – combining on-the-job training with university study that can be delivered remotely.

This means you can actively enhance the skills of your employees – and improve their knowledge and expertise. 

Learn more about our senior leader apprenticeship programme and how you can utilise your levy at our event on Tuesday 20 July — featuring talks from leadership and management experts.


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