The Ideas Trade: How does purpose add true value to your business?

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  3. The Ideas Trade: How does purpose add true value to your business?

The Ideas Trade: How does purpose add true value to your business?

Date: Thursday 10 June 2021
Time: 12.00 PM to 01.00 PM
Venue: Online

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Deloitte’s Global Marketing Trends 2020 report identified that ‘purpose-driven companies witness higher market share gains and grow three times faster on average than their competitors, all while achieving higher workforce and customer satisfaction.’ 

We're hosting an online session in partnership with Mantra Media on how purpose can add value to your business. Featuring guest interviewer Fran Ferris-Ockwell of Mantle, we interview Dave Clarkson of Investors in Community to discuss the idea of purpose and gain insight into it's indispensable value within business.

Join us to explore how being purpose driven has enabled businesses to thrive, through examples and sharing ideas.

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