MS Frontiers conference 2019

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09 July 2019

MS Frontiers conference 2019

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The MS conference, which took place at Bath University on 4-5th July, is the UK's biggest biennial conference for MS research professionals, bringing together scientists, clinicians and health care professionals to network and share the latest advances in multiple sclerosis research. The conference also aims to support the next generation of MS researchers by giving them a chance to present their work and hear from world experts.

115 scientific presentations were made over the two days with speakers from the US, Canada, the UK and the rest of Europe. Prof Nicola Woodroofe organised and chaired a workshop on the MS Society Tissue Bank and gave a presentation on the application of mass spectrometry to study MS post mortem brain tissue as part of the session. Recent data from post-doctoral researcher Petros Pousinis on LC MS/MS as well as some very preliminary mass spectrometry imaging data on MS brain was presented and sparked interest.

Other presenters from Sheffield Hallam included Colette Beecher from AHP with a poster on 'Exploring the needs of individuals’ post HSCT treatment' and Anouska Carter from Sport presenting a poster on 'Perspectives of people with MS following participation in a high intensity trial'.

Double paralympic old medallist and four-time world champion swimmer Stephanie Millward MBE gave an inspirational after-dinner speech about her experience of living with MS and achieving success in her sport.