Anton Hecht: Examining Gamefulness in Participatory Art: Space, Participant and Artefact

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Anton Hecht: Examining Gamefulness in Participatory Art: Space, Participant and Artefact

Completion 2021, full-time study as Graduate Teaching Assistant

People moving round a maypole with ribbon

The study explores how games theory might elucidate and generate participatory art. The combination of participatory art practice and games theory generates insight into the processes, forms and affects of participation in, and on public space. The investigation centres on a body of nimble, low-tech works including drawing with breath on civic office windows, and lamp-post swingball, where swipes are marked with Iambic pentameter. Urban maypole, considered as a ‘gameful artwork’ operates by creating an interface that extends participants' reach into the world, and draws the world in to the artwork: re-materialising and re-drawing the relationship between game and the everyday.

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Supervised by

Dr Becky Shaw

Becky Shaw

Reader in Fine Art and Postgraduate Research Tutor

Sam Vardy

Sam Vardy

Senior Lecturer in Architecture