

Showing 12 projects, in Lab4Living


This research explores the implications of a growing shift of healthcare from what has previously resided within the domain of the hospital to the private space of the home.

Thinking through things

This body of research explored attitudes to technology in everyday life and how this insight might be applied to the design of technology to support personal health care.

The Beacon: Health & Wellness Futures

This research tested how a public work could:- i) leverage science/tech to improve public health; ii) redefine a discarded urban space to improve well-being; and iii) humanise the development and delivery of this work through multi-generational health activities and public workshops to encourage co-discovery of solutions to help fix the broken US healthcare system.

LabStudio - Design Research between Architecture & Biology

‘LabStudio: Design Research between Architecture and Biology’ simultaneously challenges and expands contemporary notions of what collaboration across broad knowledge domains means and how that might operate within and then expand the liminal space that exists between laboratory and studio practices.

Life Café

The Design to Care research led to the development of the Life Café, a product comprising of curated creative activities which enables individuals to engage in conversation about end of life.

Vaccine Hesitancy

The research ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ explores the health beliefs of vaccine critical parents.

Human Simulation

The research ‘Human Simulation’ investigates how the human body, a person and various health concerns are being simulated in medical education by using standardized patients (SP).

Towards a Caring Practice: Reflections on the processes and components of Arts-Health practice

A unique mode of practice-led research that combined an arts-health practice with a qualitative action-research case study

Journeying through Dementia

Dementia is one of large number of long term conditions. Therefore, identifying solutions to the challenge of ever increasing service demand in the face of finite resources is a pressing goal for health policy and for economies.

Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV)

Led by Reed, this research programme investigated the possibility of developing a customisable product for children requiring non-invasive ventilation (NIV).

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