Helping ambitious students pursue their passion

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Helping ambitious students pursue their passion

Starting university is rarely easy for students. Leaving home for the first time, meeting new friends and tackling new course content while trying to remain safe from the coronavirus can be challenging.   


For students who have overcome these significant barriers just to get here, the pressures of university alongside financial anxieties can drive them to drop out. But thanks to our donors, Hallam Fund scholar, Ben got the opportunity to focus on the first year of his degree. Without thoughtful donations, Ben would have missed out on so much and worked long hours to support himself. 

Donations have allowed Ben to enjoy his favourite module “Life on earth” without the stress of finance. The module has allowed him to explore his passion for earth life, looking at things like habitats and adaptations. With the help of our donors, he can now tap into his strong interest in conservation and take a step towards making a positive contribution in the world. 


'Even though this year hasn’t gone quite how I expected, I’m very grateful to have been given this opportunity. The money just helps so much. I don’t have to worry about my financial situation as much. Thanks to the scholarship I have been able to experience life away from home which I have thoroughly enjoyed and cut down my hours at work, which has helped me achieved my grades so far.'

Ben, environmental science student

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