Donations help students pursue their passion

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Donations help students pursue their passion

The pressures of university alongside financial anxieties can drive students from the most disadvantaged and underrepresented communities to drop out of university. The scholarships at Sheffield Hallam are designed to help these students complete their studies and follow the path they have been working so hard to reach. 

Ben is one of our Hallam Fund scholars pursuing a degree in environmental science. Thanks to you, Ben got the opportunity to focus on his second year and enjoy his coursework. Without thoughtful donations, Ben would have missed out on so much and worked long hours to support himself. 

Donations have allowed Ben to enjoy his favourite modules 'Conservation Ecology' and 'Energy, Waste Management and Resources' without the stress of money worries. The modules allowed him to explore his passion and achieve a final grade he was happy with. 

Generous gifts to the Hallam Fund also enabled Ben to experience a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Iceland for his 'International Fieldwork' module.

"It was an incredible place to visit and somewhere I would have probably never been able to go to without the support of my department at university. Going around that country and being able to see all the sights was an unforgettable experience. Without the scholarship, it would have been tough to find the funds for this trip and I would have missed out on this learning experience."

Students who enhance their academic knowledge with real-world experience are best positioned when they enter the world of work. Without this additional financial support, Ben would have had no choice but to turn them down. Instead, thanks to your kindness, Ben was able to take on this opportunity that gave a huge boost to his future ambition. 

The support didn't stop there. Your donations also increased his self-confidence.

"With the scholarship backing, I have been able to prove to others and myself that I am capable of achieving the highest grades when I put my mind to it. My university experience so far has done wonders for my confidence and self-belief to handle new environments and challenges and to make sure I do everything I can to achieve whatever dreams I have."

None of this would have been possible without you. Thanks to your generosity, scholars like Ben can take on career-enhancing and inspiring experiences needed to achieve their aspirations.


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