Stardust Reunion a success

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  2. Events
  3. Stardust Reunion a success

Stardust Reunion a success

Venue: Sheffield City Hall

On the 6th September 2013, 600 Sheffield Hallam Alumni assembled for a special Stardust reunion night at Sheffield City Hall. In its height around the late 90s and early 00s Stardust would regularly attract a sell-out crowd to the old Nelson Mandela Building. Fast forward to 2013, and Stardust had found a new home in the ballroom of Sheffield City Hall. All 8 of the past DJs made the trip back to Sheffield, including the legendary Dean of Disco and Jim Maclaine. The night also saw the infamous balloon drop re-created at 1am to the tune of 'It's Raining Men'.

The organisers would like to thank everyone for coming and supporting the event, future Stardust reunions may be organised if there is demand for them.

Further information, contact details and photos from the night can be accessed via the website at

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