Insider Forum: Better by degrees

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Insider Forum: Better by degrees

Date: Tuesday 09 February 2021
Time: 11.00 AM to 12.00 PM
Venue: Online

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As companies of all sizes look for opportunities as the economy recovers from Covid-19, Insider hosts this latest online forum on the value of degree apprenticeships to upskill employees and recruit new talent.

The free-to-attend Q&A session will hear from regional business, education and public sector leaders on how degree apprenticeships can address skills gaps and bring new learning.

You can put your own questions to the panel as we assess which industry sectors are best suited to the programmes and what impact apprentices have had in businesses.

The government says it wants to see at least half of students undertaking degree-level
apprenticeships within a decade, so we will also ask apprentices themselves how entering the workforce with work-based training was the right career path for them.

And we look at the wider societal role degree apprenticeships play in encouraging innovation, improving regional productivity and levelling up the national economy.

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