Guest lecture by Paul Mount, Bank of England

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Guest lecture by Paul Mount, Bank of England

Date: Tuesday 23 November 2021
Time: 05.00 PM to 06.30 PM
Venue: Online and in person at Sheffield City Campus

Join the College of Business, Technology and Engineering, in person or online, for the first lecture in the BTETALKS 'change after change' series - a guest lecture by Paul Mount, the Bank of England's Deputy Agent for Yorkshire and the Humber, providing an economic update. 

Paul Mount joined the Bank of England's Yorkshire & Humber agency in 2019. The Bank's agents have a dual role: to engage with businesses across the UK to aid the Bank's understanding of the economic situation and support effective decision-making; and to explain to stakeholders what the Bank is doing and why.

Paul is an experienced economist whose career has spanned the civil service, the National Heath Service, management consultancy and investment banking. He has experience of working in several sectors of the economy, including transport, energy, telecoms, health and education.

Following the national budget update, Paul will be looking to provide commentary on the Bank of England's response giving crucial insight into business implications and the economy. Paul will also be exploring why the Bank of England has decided to make a move North as part of its strategy.

This talk will be beneficial to anyone hoping to gain a current perspective on the economy and industry and will provide relevant CPD experience to students and academics colleagues.

4.30pm - Drinks and canapes
5.00pm - Lecture
6.30pm - Drinks and networking
7.30 - Finish

The second in the BTETalks event, In-conversation with Martin Green CBE, focussing on the events industry, is taking place on 7 December 2021. Please visit to register.

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