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Excelling in hospitality research

Senior lecturer Alisha Ali scooped the Institute of Hospitality Research Award at the 2014 EuroCHRIE conference.

EuroCHRIE (the European Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education) is the official federation for Europe, the Mediterranean Basin and Africa of International CHRIE – the leading international organisation that supports education and training for the world’s largest industry. This year’s EuroCHRIE conference was held in Dubai and more than 250 delegates from over 50 countries attended. The culmination of the conference was the awards dinner, where Alisha’s co-authored paper ‘The Employer Perspective of Sustainability: Implications for Hospitality Education’ received the award.

The award is given to a superior research publication submitted for the conference on a topic relevant to the field of hospitality or tourism management by an International CHRIE member or members. The paper was written by Alisha along with Hilary Murphy from the Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne and Sanjay Nadkarni from The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management. Alisha received the award on behalf of the team from SBS’s own Kevin Nield, who is vice president of EuroCHRIE.

'Working with Hilary and Sanjay has been a great privilege, as we are able to share our knowledge and expertise from different disciplines and perspectives,’ said Alisha. ‘We are all thrilled to have won this prestigious award as we continue to develop our research, which contributes to furthering the sustainable development agenda.’

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