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We currently carry out research relating to the study of cancer, musculoskeletal disorders, neurological diseases and chronic diseases. Staff use a number of 3D cell culture approaches to study disease processes in vitro. 

Our cell culture laboratories provide facilities for sample preparation, primary cell culture and secondary cell culture.

  • Sysmex XP-300 automated haematology analyser for the analysis of white blood cells, red blood cells, neutrophils and platelets
  • Coy hypoxic glove box for culture of eukaryotic cells in a hypoxic environment, which mimics the gas conditions found in mammalian bodies
  • Invitrogen countess automated cell counter for rapid enumeration of cells 
  • BD FACSCALIBUR flow cytometer for enumeration, typing and sorting of cells 
  • Gallios 10 Channel flow cytometer for enumeration, typing and sorting of bacterial or mammalian cells 
  • Leica benchtop tissue processor for the processing of tissue samples prior to sectioning and analysis 
  • Leica microtome for sectioning of tissue samples 
  • Cryostats (x3) for sectioning of tissue samples 
  • Cell culture suites for culture of primary and secondary cells (6 laminar flow hoods)

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