AWRC projects

AWRC projects

Showing 36 articles

I'M ACTIVE - Intelligent Multimodal Assessment and Coaching Through Identification of Vulnerabilities in Older People

The IM ACTIVE project will study the design of a smart integrated system that can provide continuous tailored support to older adults to achieve and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

EMERGENCE: Healthcare Robots from Labs into Service

The network will facilitate innovative digital solutions for the care of older people via the creation of a sustainable healthcare robotics eco-system.

Magic Five

This collaboration with Innerva explored the five major benefits of power-assisted exercise for older people and people with neurological and cardio-respiratory conditions. The 'magic five' consists of aerobic fitness, muscular strength, flexibility, balance and psychosocial wellbeing.

Moving Healthcare Professionals Programme - Evaluation

The Moving Healthcare Professionals Programme (MHPP) is a national programme led by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) – formerly Public Health England (PHE) – in partnership with Sport England.

Social Prescribing and Physical Activity

The effects of long Covid are still unfolding. To find out more about it, we conducted a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews on 18 people living with the illness.

Etexsense: cuff development and testing

Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is a medical device that treats foot drop (inability to lift the toes during walking) in multiple sclerosis or following stroke. It works by applying pulses of current to paralysed muscles.

Active Together

Active Together is a pioneering programme designed to help people with cancer prepare for and recover from treatment

Evaluating the Leeds Neighbourhood Networks during the Covid-19 pandemic

We evaluated the Leeds Neighbourhood Networks and their role in supporting community recovery during and following the Covid-19 pandemic

Exploring long covid experiences through physical activity

The effects of long Covid are still unfolding. To find out more about it, we conducted a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews on 18 people living with the illness.

Helping people move more in lockdown

Sheffield Hallam University researchers are working with Sport England to help elderly and vulnerable people stay active and exercise during the coronavirus lockdown.

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