Improving the Quality of Life for Long-Covid Patients

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Improving the Quality of Life for Long-Covid Patients

Researchers from Sheffield Hallam University, University of Derby and Kings College London are undertaking a pioneering international study that aims to improve the lives of people suffering with the prolonged and life impairing impacts of long-Covid.


Two people wearing face masks bumping elbows

Long-Covid, or post-acute Covid-19, is a colloquial term used to describe patients reporting persistent symptoms and illness for longer periods than are expected, despite receiving clinical treatment. It is estimated that more than 100 million people worldwide have experienced lingering health concerns or are still reporting problems following a Covid-19 infection, creating an unprecedented demand for healthcare services around the world.


To support the implementation of the pathways needed to meet this growing demand, Sheffield Hallam University, University of Derby, King’s College London, University of Illinois in Chicago (USA) and Ramaiah Medical College (India) are collaborating with neighbouring clinical organisations to conduct an international Covid-19 recovery trial, sponsored by the NHS Health Authority.


Researchers are working to gather additional insight into the determinants of recovery to better understand the changes in symptomology over time. This work is taking place in some of the countries that have been worst affected by Covid, with research sites now open at the University of Derby, the University of Illinois and the Ramaiah Medical College, with a new site opening at the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre at Sheffield Hallam University in the coming weeks. The research has been made possible through funding from The Gilead Covid-19: COMMIT™ (Covid-19 unMet Medical needs and associated research extension) programme.


Long-covid is a complex, multi-system disease associated with a broad range of symptoms including fever, fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain, headaches, neurocognitive difficulties, muscle pains and weakness, depression, and other mental health conditions. 


Each partner institution involved in the study is connected to a local hospital and has a dedicated on site research facility. The 16-week trial profiles the recovery of patients with Covid-19 who have been discharged into the local community from hospitals or referred into long covid centres.


Using a combination of physiological, biological, psychological tests and observations through regular patient visits, remote meetings and patient journals, the study aims to understand more about long-Covid and develop clear support pathways to improve long-term health outcomes and restore quality of life for patients.


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