Active Together: Prescribing Exercise to Help People with Cancer Prepare for and Recover from Treatment

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Active Together: Prescribing Exercise to Help People with Cancer Prepare for and Recover from Treatment

Active Together is a pioneering programme designed to help people with cancer prepare for and recover from treatment. It has been designed by the AWRC and is delivered by NHS Trusts across Yorkshire with funding from Yorkshire Cancer Research.

Active Together is an evidence-based service designed to help patients who have cancer better withstand their treatment by providing physical activity, nutritional and psychological support before, during and after treatment. It aims to save lives by increasing cancer treatment options, reducing side-effects, speeding up recovery and improving long-term health outcomes.

This new approach to cancer treatment offers a combination of support for patients’ physical and mental health based on individual needs and treatment.

The service has shown an overall 10% improvement in survival for people with bowel, lung and upper gastrointestinal cancers. Researchers recorded a one-year survival rate of 95% for patients taking part in the programme, compared to 85% for patients who did not. In addition, 97% of patients reported improvements in their health and wellbeing, feeling more empowered and in control of their health.  

Dr Kathryn Scott, Chief Executive at Yorkshire Cancer Research, said:

“In recent years, it has become very clear that exercise plays a vital role in improving cancer survival rates, and that physical activity programmes should be prescribed to people with cancer in the same way as other treatments.

“Every 17 minutes, someone in Yorkshire is told they have cancer. We believe it is vital that treatment such as this is available to everyone with cancer in this region, and we hope that one day this will be possible as part of standard NHS cancer care.

“Together with the pioneering team at Sheffield’s Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre, we are taking a huge leap into creating a world-leading programme that can be introduced across Yorkshire and beyond, helping to save many lives.”

Following referral to Active Together by their cancer care team, patients are invited to a private appointment where members of the team work with them to establish the best way to provide help and support over the coming weeks.

Together they will develop a bespoke plan which may include physical activity, nutrition and psychological wellbeing support.

Throughout each patient’s cancer treatment, the Active Together team will be there to offer phone and email support and will work with the patient to adapt and develop their plan, based on how they are finding their treatment.

Following treatment, patients are invited to a follow up appointment to catch up with the Active Together team and consider how they can best support each individual patient moving forwards.

Following the launch of the service in Sheffield, Active Together has since expanded across South Yorkshire and into West and North Yorkshire meaning thousands more people can benefit from the latest thinking in cancer treatment.

Active Together: Kathryn’s experience


front page of active together service evaluation which shows two older women taking an exercise class

Active Together Service Evaluation

Active Together Service Evaluation 2024 (PDF, 3MB)

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