Apply to join

Apply to join

When will applications open?

Applications are open between 19th October and 30th November 2023.

Please email if you have any technical issues or wider questions.

What is the process?

The application process is two-stage, with an initial shortlisting of the most promising applications at stage one.

All applicants will be notified by email once initial shortlisting has taken place to advise if they have made it through to stage two.


They will be invited to a virtual interview as part of the final stage of decision-making.

All successful applicants will join on the same footing and any additional support and services will be distributed by the programme team at their complete discretion i.e. R&D funding, Medipex market assessments and ORCHA baseline assessments.


Decisions and feedback 

Once the decisions have been agreed, you are informed of the final decision on your application by email. This decision is final, there is no right of appeal and Sheffield Hallam University will not enter any discussions or complaints regarding the scientific or technical decision made regarding your application. 

We work with all of our assessors to provide support and guidance on our expectations of behaviours and assessment on all competitions. This is to ensure all assessors are carrying out assessments in a fair and transparent manner and in accordance with the assessor shortlisting matrix and competition guidelines. 

Assessors must treat applications in the strictest of confidence and adhere to information protection rules. They must carry out an assessment of the applications themselves. They cannot ask anyone else to review an application in their place nor ask anyone to give another opinion of their assessment. All assessors will be briefed on each competition to undertake assessments according to our requirements. 

Sheffield Hallam University preserves the anonymity of the assessors, and their names will not be provided under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.