Delivering the Prevention Legacy for the NHS: Innovations that Help People Move

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Delivering the Prevention Legacy for the NHS: Innovations that Help People Move

Without decisive action, England faces an unsustainable rise in healthcare. Conditions such as cancer, heart disease, dementia, and stroke are on the increase, placing a growing strain on the NHS and the economy.

We know prevention works. As a preventative health measure, physical activity delivers nearly £100 billion in wellbeing benefits annually and prevents millions of early deaths worldwide.

At the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC), we believe movement must be seen as an essential part of everyday life, embedded within our communities, workplaces, and healthcare systems. We work closely with communities, industry, healthcare, education and the public sector to co-create solutions to the challenges of physical inactivity.

Drawing on our innovative research, this report sets out how physical activity can help drive the UK Government’s prevention ambitions, reduce health inequalities, and support economic growth.

We propose three system-shaping recommendations to contribute to the prevention ambitions of the UK government:

  • Prioritise investment in community health building and community-driven health initiatives
  • Expand established and evidence-based rehabilitation (including prehabilitation) programmes
  • Develop a workforce equipped to prioritise physical activity in healthcare

Supported by real-life examples, this report highlights how prevention can strengthen the NHS, improve health outcomes, and create a healthier, more resilient population.

Read the full report below.


Front cover of the AWRC report Delivering the prevention legacy for the NHS

Delivering the Prevention Legacy for the NHS: Innovations that Help People Move

AWRC Prevention Legacy for the NHS Report (PDF, 4.5MB)
Front cover of the AWRC report Delivering the prevention legacy for the NHS

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