Vicki Pountney

Vicki Pountney BA (Hons), PGCE, MEd, RGS CGeog (Teach)

Senior Lecturer in Education and Course leader for PGCE Secondary Geography and Primary Geography Lead.


My interests focus on primary and secondary geography teaching, teacher education and teacher professional development.  I teach on primary and secondary geography undergraduate and postgraduate teacher training programmes and have a leadership role for geography across both teaching phases.  I have taught in primary and secondary schools and have worked as a senior leader and professional development leader in local, national and international contexts.


Following my first degree in geography, I taught in secondary schools successfully working as a middle and senior leader, including as an Advanced Skills Teacher. Following this, I worked as a Local Authority Teaching & Learning Consultant, leading teacher professional development, primarily working with Early Career Teachers and Middle Leaders. I have also worked as part of an Appropriate Body team quality assuring statutory ECT induction. I am a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and an active member of the Geographical Association. I am also a part time doctoral student with a research interest in primary geography subject leadership.

Senior Lecturer


Sheffield Institute of Education

College of Social Sciences and Arts


Courses taught

PGCE Secondary Geography 
PGCE Primary Geography content 
BA 1 - 3 Geography content

Modules taught

Reflecting on professional practice and development in secondary education
Exploring and developing pedagogical practice in secondary education
Reflecting on professional practice and development in primary education
Exploring and developing pedagogical practice in primary education
Introduction to curriculum and pedagogy (5 - 11)
Designing learning sequences (5 - 11)
Adaptive teaching across the curriculum (5 - 11)


I am a part-time doctoral student with research interests in the roles, practices and professional development needs of primary geography subject leaders.

Other activities

I am an active member of the Geographical Association, fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, RGS CGeog(Teach) and member of the Chartered College of Teaching. I am also Vice Chair of the Geographical Association Teacher Education Phase Committee.

I am the professional development lead for an international secondary teacher professional development programme in collaboration with the Madrid Teacher Education Board.

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