Tony Day

Tony Day

Head of Technology and Development


With over 13 years of industrial and academic experience in software development, Tony has delivered impactful solutions across domains including humanitarian, law enforcement, crisis resilience, marketing and business and service management.


Tony is Head of Technology and Development at CENTRIC (Centre of Excellence in Terrorism, Resilience, Intelligence and Organised Crime Research). Having over 13 years of industrial and academic experience in developing and researching software, he has delivered impactful solutions across domains including humanitarian, law enforcement, crisis resilience, marketing, and business and service management.

He passionately leads the ongoing development of SCAAN (Security Communications and Analysis Network) and the Community Response Mobile Toolkit in partnership with the UN’s IOM (International Organization for Migration) and in collaboration with several UN agencies including SCAAN’s 2018-19 WHO (World Health Organization) deployment to support field staff responding to Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

This is with a growing portfolio of major Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, and FP7 projects most notably including: as acting Scientific and Technical Lead on the TENSOR project (2016-2020; detection of online terrorist generated content); and providing technical solutions in ATHENA (2013-2016; citizen-engaged crisis management) and ePOOLICE (2013-2015; detection of online organised crime indicators).

A critical part of Tony’s work is supporting the growth the skills, capabilities, and capacity of CENTRIC’s diverse multi-disciplinary technical delivery teams.

Agile approaches to software development
Situational awareness and Open source intelligence
Environmental and humanitarian


College of Business, Technology and Engineering

Innovation Futures

Software and Computing


  • Centre of Excellence in Terrorism, Resilience, Intelligence and Organised Crime Research
  • Culture and Creativity Research Institute



Journal articles

Bayerl, P.S., Akhgar, B., Raven, A., Gibson, H., & Day, T. (2022). Future Challenges and Requirements for Open Source Intelligence in Law Enforcement Investigations: Results From a Horizon Scanning Exercise. European Law Enforcement Research Bulletin, 22 (6).

Andrews, S., Brewster, B., & Day, T. (2018). Organised crime and social media; a system for detecting, corroborating and visualising weak signals of organised crime online. Security Informatics, 7.

Domdouzis, K., Akhgar, B., Andrews, S., & Day, T. (2017). Identification of Critical Factors in Large Crisis Decision Making Processes using Computational Tools: The case of ATHENA. International Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications (IJSITA), 8 (2).

Conference papers

Cumberland, E., & Day, T. (2021). A Prescriptive Approach For Structured Information Extraction From Web Forums And Social Media. 2021 International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Controls (ISCSIC).

Mitzias, P., Kompatsiaris, I., Kontopoulos, E., Staite, J., Day, T., Kalpakis, G., ... Akhgar, B. (2019). Deploying Semantic Web Technologies for Information Fusion of Terrorism-related Content and Threat Detection on the Web. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence on - WI '19 Companion, 193-199.

Akhgar, B., Bertrand, P., Chananouli, C., Day, T., Gibson, H., Kavallieros, D., ... Williamson, U. (2017). TENSOR: retrieval and analysis of heterogeneous online content for terrorist activity recognition. Proceedings Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, 16 : From Research to Security Union, 33-82.

Andrews, S., Brewster, B., & Day, T. (2016). Organised crime and social media: detecting and corroborating weak signals of human trafficking online. In Haemmerlé, O., Stapleton, G., & Faron-Zucker, C. (Eds.) Graph-based representation and reasoning, (pp. 137-150). Heidelberg: Springer:

Book chapters

Day, T., Dennis, K., & Gibson, H. (2021). TENSOR: a solution to dark web investigations. In Akhgar, B., Gercke, M., Vrochidis, S., & Gibson, H. (Eds.) Dark Web Investigation. (pp. 119-135). Springer:

Jeraj, J., Fink, A., Lyle, A., Day, T., & Blair, K. (2017). Preliminary ATHENA case studies: Test-bed development and delivery. In Akhgar, B., Staniforth, A., & Waddington, D. (Eds.) Application of social media in crisis management. (pp. 193-204). Cham: Springer International:

Andrews, S., Day, T., Domdouzis, K., Hirsch, L., Lefticaru, R.-.E., & Orphanides, C. (2017). Analyzing crowd-sourced information and social media for crisis management. In Akhgar, B., Staniforth, A., & Waddington, D. (Eds.) Application of social media in crisis management : advanced sciences and technologies for security applications. (pp. 77-96). Springer International Publishing:

Lyle, A., Day, T., & Mcseveny, K. (2017). The final ATHENA test case: an integrated view of ATHENA. In Akhgar, B., Staniforth, A., & Waddington, D. (Eds.) Application of social media in crisis management. (pp. 205-224). Cham: Springer International:

Gibson, H., Ramwell, S., & Day, T. (2017). Analysis, interpretation and validation of open source data. In Akhgar, B., Bayerl, P.S., & Sampson, F. (Eds.) Open source intelligence investigation: from strategy to implementation. (pp. 95-110). Cham: Springer International Publishing:

Day, T., Gibson, H., & Ramwell, S. (2017). Fusion of OSINT and non-OSINT data. In Akhgar, B., Bayerl, P.S., & Sampson, F. (Eds.) Open source intelligence investigation: from strategy to implementation. (pp. 133-152). Cham: Springer International Publishing:

Ramwell, S., Day, T., & Gibson, H. (2017). Use cases and best practices for LEAs. In Akhgar, B., Bayerl, P.S., & Sampson, F. (Eds.) Open source intelligence investigation: from strategy to implementation. (pp. 197-211). Cham: Springer International Publishing:

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