Tanya Miles-Berry

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  4. Tanya Miles-Berry

Tanya Miles-Berry B.A (Law/ Crim) M.A (Ed)

Deputy Head of Department


 Learning and Teaching Portfolio Lead; EDI Lead


Particularly interested in student experience, engagement and successful outcomes, as well as quality enhancement and assurance mechanisms which can support students as well as staff. Also have strategic oversight of AWP and TT.


I have developed and deliver modules involving working on developing the study skills modules in collaboration with various staff across the faculty to enhance student experience, promote autonomous learning and develop key IT innovations, Mentally Disordered Offenders and the simulation modules. The simulation modules have been designed with direct reference to a number of criminal justice professionals who also teach on the modules to show students how cases progress through the criminal justice system.


Sheffield Institute of Law and Justice

College of Social Sciences and Arts


Conference papers

Cadet, N., Albertson, K., & Miles-Berry, T. (2019). Simulated learning: Assessing student perceptions of skill development and employability in a criminology course. In European Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Bilbao, 13 June 2019 - 14 June 2019 (pp. 56-63). Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua

Book chapters

Miles-Berry, T., Cadet, N., & Albertson, K. (n.d.). Evaluating the realities of criminal justice through simulation. In Evaluating the realities of criminal justice through simulation. LTA

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