Sue Beckingham

Sue Beckingham NTF, SFHEA, FSEDA, MSc, MA, PgCLTHE

Associate Professor and a National Teaching Fellow


I am an Associate Professor and Learning, Teaching and Assessment Lead in the School of Computing and Digital Technologies. In addition to teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, I have an academic development leadership role where I provide support and guidance relating to learning, teaching and assessment. In 2017 I was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship. I am also a Fellow and Executive Committee Member of the Staff and Educational Development Association.


I am a National Teaching Fellow, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Fellow of the Staff and Educational Development Association, a Certified Management and Business Educator, a Certified Member of the Association of Learning Technology and Visiting Fellow at Edge Hill University.

Within Sheffield Hallam I am a member of a wide range of committees and special interest groups including the Student Experience Committee, Athena Swan Committee and mentor for a student led Social Media for Academic Studies Group.

I am an Editor for the Journal of Social Media for Learning.

Specialist areas of interest:
My research, publications and international keynote presentations have focused on:
Social Media for Learning
Digital Identity and Online Presence
Technology Enhanced Learning
Professionalism and Communication

Specialist areas of interest

My research, publications and international keynote presentations have focused on

Social Media in Business
Social Media for Learning
Digital Identity
Technology Enhanced Learning


Subject area

Digital Analytics and Technologies


Business and Digital Technology
Business and ICT
IT with Business Studies


Employability and Word Based Learning
Digital Marketing
Dissertations (undergraduate and postgraduate)

I have also taught Professionalism and Communication Skill; Social Media Use in Organisations; Leadership and Teamwork; Professional, Communication and Digital Skills; Work Based Learning.


Journal articles

Purvis, A., & Beckingham, S. (2024). A decade of social media for learning: A systematic review. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 21 (5).

Beckingham, S. (2020). Co-creating Learning Experiences with Students as Partners. The Journal of Social Media for Learning, 1 (1), 70-77.

Sum, K., Beckingham, S., Faulkner, S., & Baff, D. (2020). An Interactive Social Media Workshop Using Lego® Serious Play®. Journal of Social Media for Learning, 1 (1), 94-111.

Purvis, A.J., Rodger, H.M., & Beckingham, S. (2020). Experiences and perspectives of social media in learning and teaching in higher education. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 100018.

Beckingham, S., Wood, C., Paddon, J., Butler, A., Trueman, M., & Rooney, C. (2019). A SMASHing approach for developing staff and student digital capabilities within a community of practice. The Journal of Educational Innovation, Partnership and Change, 5 (1).

Purvis, A., Rodger, H., & Beckingham, S. (2016). Engagement or distraction : the use of social media for learning in higher education. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 5 (1).

Beckingham, S. (2015). My role as a facilitator: the value of reflection from multiple personal perspectives. Learning and Teaching in Action, 11 (1), 44-51.

Beckingham, S., & Nerantzi, C. (2015). Scaling-up open CPD for teachers in higher education using a snowballing approach. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practices, 3 (1), 109-121.

Beckingham, S. (2015). What does it mean to be a digital lifewide learner? The Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, Innovation and Change, 1 (1).

Beckingham, S., Nerantzi, C., Reed, P., & Walker, D. (2015). Speedy professional conversations around learning and teaching in higher education via the brand new tweetchat #LTHEchat. ALISS Quarterly.

Nerantzi, C., Middleton, A., & Beckingham, S. (2014). Facilitators as co-learners in a collaborative open course for teachers and students in higher education. eLearning papers, European Commission.

Beckingham, S. (2014). Social media for professional learning and networking. Lifewide Magazine, 10, 25-28.

Beckingham, S., & Adams, J. (2013). Introduction to Twitter for educational developers. Educational developments, 14 (3), 10-12.

Beckingham, S. (2011). Twitter, SEDA and the November 2011 Conference. Educational developments, 12.4, 28.

Conference papers

Purvis, A., Rodger, H., & Beckingham, S. (2016). Experiences of social media in higher education: barriers, enablers and next steps. In Social Media for Learning in Higher Education 2015 Conference proceedings (#SocMedHE15). Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University:

Book chapters

Beckingham, S. (2024). Re-defining modes of learning. In How to Use Digital Learning with Confidence and Creativity. (pp. 168-177). Edward Elgar Publishing:

Hartley, P., Beckingham, S., Lawrence, J., & Powell, S. (2024). Using generative AI effectively in higher education. In Using Generative AI Effectively in Higher Education. (pp. 1-7). Routledge:

Beckingham, S., Lawrence, J., Powell, S., & Hartley, P. (2024). Sustainable and ethical GenAI for the common good. In Using Generative AI Effectively in Higher Education. (pp. 127-138). Routledge:

Beckingham, S. (2023). Professionalism and Online Presence. In Higher Education Computer Science. (pp. 275-285). Springer International Publishing:

Beckingham, S. (2023). Baseline Skills—Scaffolding Soft Skills Development Within the Curriculum. In Higher Education Computer Science. (pp. 253-274). Springer International Publishing:

Beckingham, S. (2023). Baseline Skills — Scaffolding Soft Skills Development Within the Curriculum. In Higher Education Computer Science: A Manual of Practical Approaches. (2nd edition). Springer:

Beckingham, S. (2022). The importance of a mentor in overcoming the "Jack of all trades, master of none" syndrome. In The Impact of the Integrated Practitioner in Higher Education: Studies in Third Space Professionalism. (pp. 244-251).

Beckingham, S. (2019). Developing a professional online presence and effective network. In Rowell, C. (Ed.) Social Media in Higher Education: Case Studies, Reflections and Analysis. (pp. 21-34). Open Book Publishers

Beckingham, S. (2018). Baseline skills—scaffolding soft skills development within the curriculum. In Carter, J., O'Grady, M., & Rosen, C. (Eds.) Higher education computer science: A manual of practical approaches. (pp. 221-242). Springer:

Beckingham, S. (2018). Using social media to learn from conferences. In Popovic, C. (Ed.) Learning from Academic Conferences. Leiden: Brill | Sense:

Beckingham, S. (2017). Beckingham, @suebecks' Emergency #EdTechRations. In Hopkins, D. (Ed.) Emergency Rations #EdTechRations: What’s so important we can’t leave it at home?. (pp. 45-48). David Hopkins:

Middleton, A., & Beckingham, S. (2015). Social media for learning : a framework to inspire innovation. In Middleton, A. (Ed.) Smart learning : teaching and learning with smartphones and tablets in post-compulsory education. (pp. 46-56). MELSIG, Sheffield Hallam University:

Beckingham, S., & Nerantzi, C. (2015). BYOD4L : learning to use own smart devices for learning and teaching through the 5C framework. In Middleton, A. (Ed.) Smart learning : teaching and learning with smartphones and tablets in post-compulsory education. (pp. 108-127). MELSIG, Sheffield Hallam University:

Beckingham, S. (2015). The blended professional : Jack of all trades, and master of some? In Hopkins, D. (Ed.) The Really Useful #EdTechBook. (pp. 129-150). UK: David Hopkins / CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform:

Beckingham, S., Purvis, A., & Rodger, H. (2014). The SHU Social Media CoLab: developing a social media strategy through open dialogue and collaborative guidance. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Social Media. Sonning, Wokingham: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited:

Nerantzi, C., & Beckingham, S. (2014). BYOD4L – Our Open Magical Box to Enhance Individuals’ Learning Ecologies. In Jackson, N., & Willis, J. (Eds.) Lifewide Learning & Education in Universities and Colleges E-Book. UK: Lifewide Education:

Dujardin, F., Edwards, K., & Beckingham, S. (2012). Diigo : social bookmarking in a professional communication course. In Cheal, C., Coughlin, J., & Moore, S. (Eds.) Transformation in teaching : social media strategies in higher education. (pp. 243-274). Santa Rosa, CA: Informing Science Institute:


Hartley, P., Dawson, M., & Beckingham, S. (2022). Success in Groupwork. Red Globe Press.

Beckingham, S., Lawrence, J., Powell, S., & Hartley, P. (n.d.). Using Generative AI Effectively in Higher Education. Routledge.


Smith, D., Woodroofe, N., Little, L., Slay, O., Handforth, R., Beckingham, S., ... Ludwig, F. (2019). Research Informed Teaching a Post Graduate perspective. Sheffield Hallam University.

Other activities

I am the co-founder of the weekly international tweetchat 'Learning and Teaching in Higher Education' #LTHEchat. As an advocate of lifelong learning I co-developed an open online and cross-institution CPD course for educators and students called Bring Your Own Devices for Learning to develop digital skills.

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