Shawna McCoy

Shawna McCoy BA, MA

Principal Lecturer


Law & Criminology Departmental Quality Lead – inform, support and progress key university and faculty developments in adherence with the Academic Quality Framework, and to represent the Department at College wide meetings relevant to these duties. (Commencement in this post from September 2013, following previous appointment and responsibility for LTA and Employability since September 2009).

Criminology Group Leader – temporary one year appointment in December 2008 which became permanent in September 2009 to provide direct line management of staff, and to represent the Department at College and University wide meetings relevant to these duties.


I joined the criminology and community justice team at Sheffield Hallam University in September 2003 as a Lecturer in criminology. Since my arrival I have held a range of operational management and academic teaching roles which have included: Admissions Tutor, Course Leader, Year Tutor and Module leader (both undergraduate and post-graduate level). Since becoming a Principal Lecturer back in December 2008, I have also held other managerial roles, which have included: Marketing and Recruitment Lead for criminology and College Employability Lead (a temporary appointment from January 2012 till July 2012 to lead the curriculum development work relating to the Education for Employability Strategy, including the development and embedding of WBL/WRL, and to represent the College of Social Sciences and Arts at University wide meetings relevant to these duties).

I moved to England in 1998 from Canada, to complete postgraduate studies at the University of Sheffield. I completed my MA in International Criminology in 2001 and also conducted post-graduate research which discussed occupational culture within youth justice since the implementation of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.

Prior to moving to England, I completed a BA in Criminology from the University of Alberta, Canada (in 1995) before working within the Canadian criminal justice field in a variety of occupations (which include a probation officer, a resettlement officer for forensic psychiatric patients, and a youth services coordinator for the John Howard Society).

comparative criminology and international crime and criminal justice
youth justice policy and practice
alternative forms of justice (restorative justice, conflict resolution, etc.)
self and social identity
student engagement and employability


'Developing a coherent and progressive approach to careers education in HE: A case study' (presented with Kat Price-Edwards), SHU Learning and Teaching Conference June 2013

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