Sarah Williams

Dr Sarah Williams EdD

Associate Head of Institute


I am an Associate Head of Institute within the Sheffield Institute of Education (SIoE) which is the home to approximately 1500 students and 130 staff. The SIoE covers all areas of education from early years to post 16 and works in partnership with over 600 schools, colleges, early years settings and other educational settings across 25 local authorities regionally and nationally. I lead Secondary Initial Teacher Training and oversee ITT Partnership. 


My career in teaching began in New Zealand where I worked as an Early Years teacher and Primary PE specialist. After moving to the UK, I spent 10 years working with Primary and Secondary schools in Sheffield developing opportunities within PE and School Sport and managing a team of PE professionals working across over 60 schools. I joined Sheffield Hallam University in 2011, leading Physical Education across undergraduate and postgraduate courses, and leading various Primary and Early Years PGCE courses. In addition to my teaching role at Hallam, I am an active researcher, support a number of professional development programmes for teachers in the UK and have been involved in development of several projects working with PE specialist across Europe.

I am predominantly interested in the physical development of primary and early year's children. I believe through the delivery of high quality physical education, that we can develop confident and positive learners. I am focused on developing teacher's confidence in PE and making links between learning in the classroom and the outdoors.


Department of Teacher Education , Sheffield Institute of Education

College of Social Sciences and Arts

  • PGCE Primary and Early Years with QTS
  • PGCE Primary PE Specialist with QTS


In my role as an academic, researcher and teacher educator, the primary focus of my contribution to the academic landscape is national policy and contemporary issues related to the physical education, health, wellbeing and development of primary aged children. I have extensive experience of work with colleagues in different educational settings and in a cross-disciplinary way, to synthesise new perspectives and consequently produce research that can help inform and progress my field of expertise. 

My expertise is established in the fields of education, occupational sociology, behaviour change and intervention design. An example of how I have utilised this is through the production of a research paper on the feasibility of a whole school approach to physical activity. This research was carried out on behalf of a school lead not for profit company that works with and on behalf of schools within the region. This research was used to inform local strategy and provision for the professional development of primary head teachers and PE subject leaders. 

My doctoral study resulted in the publication of an associated thesis, titled Physical Education in primary schools: head teachers’ beliefs and practices. This publication generated new knowledge and understanding in an established knowledge gap.


Key Publications

Jones, G., Williams, S., & Longbon, K. (2022). Exploring the acceptability and feasibility of a whole school approach to physical activity in UK primary schools: a qualitative approach. BMC Public Health, 22.

Williams, S. (2022). Physical Education in primary schools: head teachers' beliefs and practices. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Adams, G., & Coldwell, M.

Journal articles

Theodosiou, A., Gerani, C., Barkoukis, V., Tsigilis, N., Drakou, A., Williams, S., ... Rose, M. (2021). Motivation and well-being in school physical education A cross-national study of self determination theory. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 52 (3), 213-232.

Internet Publications

Williams, S. (2024). We know it is important, but we’ve got to get academic results”: Head Teachers’ perspectives on primary physical education. [blog].

Other activities

Sarah is a member of a European Primary PE network, regularly networking with professionals based in a number of  European training institutions and researchers.

She is a member of the Sheffield Primary Physical Education Alliance, designed to support schools to develop high quality physical education and physical activity opportunities.

Governor of a local special needs school.


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