Department of Teacher Education
College of Social Sciences and Arts
Journal articles
Perry, E., & Boodt, S. (2019). Supporting the professional development of ‘hybrid’ teacher educators in the Further Education sector. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 (3), 60-71. http://ojs.cumbria.ac.uk/index.php/TEAN/article/view/566
Boylan, M., Pullen, C., Boodt, S., Zhu, H., & Clarkson, L. (2024). Generic skills in the 14-19 curriculum: an international review: summary report. Sheffield Hallam University.
Pullen, C., & Boodt, S. (2024). External evaluation of the Milton Keynes College Group Greater Than Network. Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/sheffield-institute-education-research/projects/evaluation-of-the-greater-than-network#:~:text=The%20evaluation%20ran%20from%20March,working%20effectively%20prior%20to%20closure
Boodt, S., Stiell, B., & Clague, L. (2022). researching the professional development needs of FE teacher educators and the impact of Covid on FE ITE. Education and Training Foundation.
Perry, E., & Boodt, S. (2017). Education & Training Foundation Training for Further Education teacher trainers: Final evaluation July 2017. Education and Training Foundation.
Boodt, S., & Perry, E. (2018). Teacher and teacher educator: understanding the development needs of practitioners who operate in hybrid roles. Presented at: The Ambition of Teacher Education: TEAN Annual Conference, Birmingham, 2018