Dr Robin Lewis PhD, MSc, FHEA
Senior Lecturer
I am a senior, research-active member of academic staff with an interest in primary care workforce education and role development.
I am a senior research active member of academic teaching staff at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU). I have extensive expertise in primary care workforce education and development. My research profile in primary care is underpinned through the production of nationally significant evaluative research and partnership working with both the public sector and third sector organisations. My research focuses upon three key areas of primary care:
• The development of new roles and new ways of working
• Models of workforce organisation
• The impact of education and training on career development
I have a successful track record of securing funding from both NHS England and NIHR, and I am currently working on a SHU-led, 5-year, £4.4 million NIHR-funded project, which is looking at the organisation of the Primary Care workforce in areas of social deprivation.
I work extensively with colleagues throughout the South Yorkshire region, including the South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (SY ICB), and I am the SHU lead for the partnership with the South Yorkshire Primary Care Education and Training hub. This strategic partnership has yielded a number of important projects and enables me to work with and support primary care colleagues within the region. As part of the development of a primary care career pathway, we are currently co-delivering a national ‘introduction to primary care’ module, which is funded by NHS England.
I am also working on the development of a regional Primary Care Innovation Centre. Funded through NHS England. In addition to developing the innovation centre, this project is looking at the use of alternative methods of content delivery, such as VR, AI and 360-degree filming for training health professionals in the complex skills required for primary care in the 21st century.
I am an expert on workforce development, and write regularly for ‘The Conversation’ on these topics. I am also a reviewer for a number of primary care journals.
School of Health and Social Care
College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences
Relevant projects:
Development of a primary care career pathway for GP nurses. This has included the delivery of an introductory pre-registration module for UG students funded by NHS England, through to a primary care pathway for Advanced Practitioners. The aim of the project is to develop a sustainable career pathway for GP nurses, and to improve recruitment and retention of GP staff.
See the following publications for details:
Lewis, R. (2024). Developing a ‘national module’ for nurses considering a career in general practice: addressing the workforce crisis in primary care. Practice Nursing, 35(4), 136-139. doi:10.12968/pnur.2024.35.4.136
Lewis, R. (2024). General practice is in crisis in the UK – and it’s failing the people who need it most. The Conversation Trust (UK) Limited. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/general-practice-is-in-crisis-in-the-uk-and-its-failing-the-people-who-need-it-most-224427
Lewis, R. (2023). An Independent Evaluation of Phase One of the South Yorkshire Primary Care Innovation centre https://shura.shu.ac.uk/id/eprint/33401
Lewis, R. (2023). General practice nurse trainees’ perspectives on general practice nursing as a career choice: qualitative findings from a vocational training scheme in the United Kingdom (UK). BMC Primary Care, 24(1). doi:10.1186/s12875-023-02165-8
Subject area:
- Advanced Practice
- Primary Care
Courses taught: MSc. Advancing Clinical Practice
Modules taught: Contemporary Issues in Advancing Practice
Current research:
I am a senior member of the CARe health and social care workforce research group. I have extensive expertise in the area of primary care workforce education and role development. Most recently, I have a key role in a SHU-led national research partnership. This £4.4 million project is funded through the NIHR HSD&R programme 'AHP Workforce Research Partnership: supporting a sustainable and effective AHP workforce in rural and coastal regions, and deprived urban areas'. The programme is due to start in March 2025 and will last for 5 years.
Research projects that I have recently completed include:
• Evaluation of the South Yorkshire Workforce Development Hub (2023)
• Evaluation of the South Yorkshire GPN Training Programme (2022)
• Evaluation of the Roald Dahl Specialist Nurse role (2021)
Recent Publications:
Lewis, R. (2024). Developing a ‘national module’ for nurses considering a career in general practice: addressing the workforce crisis in primary care. Practice Nursing, 35(4), 136-139. doi:10.12968/pnur.2024.35.4.136
Lewis, R. (2024). General practice is in crisis in the UK – and it’s failing the people who need it most. The Conversation Trust (UK) Limited. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/general-practice-is-in-crisis-in-the-uk-and-its-failing-the-people-who-need-it-most-224427
Makey, L., Lewis, R., Ashmore, R., & Wigfield, A. (2024). Loneliness and the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for practice. British Journal of Nursing, 33(3), 110-114. doi:10.12968/bjon.2024.33.3.110
Lewis, R. (2023). An Independent Evaluation of Phase One of the South Yorkshire Primary Care Innovation centre https://shura.shu.ac.uk/id/eprint/33401
Lewis, R. (2023). General practice nurse trainees’ perspectives on general practice nursing as a career choice: qualitative findings from a vocational training scheme in the United Kingdom (UK). BMC Primary Care, 24(1). doi:10.1186/s12875-023-02165-8
Lewis, R. (2023). Lucy Letby: child murder case highlights need to regulate managers and improve whistleblowing procedures. The Conversation. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/lucy-letby-child-murder-case-highlights-need-to-regulate-managers-and-improve-whistleblowing-procedures-212077
Nightingale, J., Ali, N., Lewis, R., Ibbotson, R., Monks, H., Urquhart-Kelly, T., & Saunders, L. (2023). Transforming nursing care for children with serious long-term conditions: A mixed methods exploration of the impact of Roald Dahl Specialist Nurses in the United Kingdom.. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 70, 90-102. doi:10.1016/j.pedn.2023.02.004
Lewis, R. (2022). The evolution of advanced nursing practice: gender, identity, power and patriarchy. Nursing Inquiry. doi:10.1111/nin.12489
Featured research:
Lewis, R. (2023) An Independent Evaluation of Phase One of the South Yorkshire Primary Care Innovation centre. This is an NHS England-funded project looking at the development of a regional education and training facility for primary care staff. The first phase of the research involved a scoping exercise around primary care educational needs, education and training delivery, and suitability testing of various virtual reality (VR) tools for use in the primary care context
Link 1: An Independent Evaluation of Phase One of the South Yorkshire Primary Care Innovation centre
Collaborators and sponsors:
NHS England/South Yorkshire Primary care Workforce Education and Training Hub (SY PCWTH)
Key Publications
Lewis, R., Strachan, A., & Smith, M.M. (2012). Is high fidelity simulation the most effective method for the development of non-technical skills in nursing? A review of the current evidence. The open nursing journal, 6, 82-89. http://doi.org/10.2174/1874434601206010082
Journal articles
Lewis, R. (2024). Developing a ‘national module’ for nurses considering a career in general practice: addressing the workforce crisis in primary care. Practice Nursing, 35 (4), 136-139. http://doi.org/10.12968/pnur.2024.35.4.136
Makey, L., Lewis, R., Ashmore, R., & Wigfield, A. (2024). Loneliness and the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for practice. British Journal of Nursing, 33 (3), 110-114. http://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2024.33.3.110
Lewis, R. (2023). General practice nurse trainees’ perspectives on general practice nursing as a career choice: qualitative findings from a vocational training scheme in the United Kingdom (UK). BMC Primary Care, 24 (1). http://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-023-02165-8
Nightingale, J., Ali, N., Lewis, R., Ibbotson, R., Monks, H., Urquhart-Kelly, T., & Saunders, L. (2023). Transforming nursing care for children with serious long-term conditions: A mixed methods exploration of the impact of Roald Dahl Specialist Nurses in the United Kingdom. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 70, 90-102. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2023.02.004
Lewis, R. (2022). The evolution of advanced nursing practice: gender, identity, power and patriarchy. Nursing Inquiry. http://doi.org/10.1111/nin.12489
Nightingale, J., Fowler-Davis, S., Grafton, K., Kelly, S., Langham, C., Lewis, R., ... Harrop, D. (2020). The role of Allied Health Professions and Nursing Research Internships in developing a research culture: a mixed-methods exploration of stakeholder perspectives. Health Research Policy and Systems, 18 (1), 122. http://doi.org/10.1186/s12961-020-00638-1
Lewis, R., Ibbotson, R., & Kelly, S. (2019). Student nurses' career intentions following placements in general practice through the advanced training practices scheme (ATPS): findings from an online survey. BMC Medical Education, 19 (1), 448. http://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-019-1880-8
Souter, G., Lewis, R., & Serrant, L. (2018). Men, Mental Health and Elite Sport: a Narrative Review. Sports Medicine Open, 4 (1), 57. http://doi.org/10.1186/s40798-018-0175-7
Lewis, R., & Kelly, S. (2018). GP/GPN partner* perspectives on clinical placements for student nurses in general practice: can a community of practice help to change the prevailing culture within general practice? BMC Family Practice, 19 (156). http://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-018-0842-2
Lewis, R., & Kelly, S. (2018). Changing hearts and minds: examining student nurses' experiences and perceptions of a general practice placement through a 'community of practice' lens. BMC medical education, 18 (1), 67. http://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-018-1182-6
Lewis, R., & Kelly, S. (2017). Would ‘growing our own’ practice nurses solve the workforce crisis? Practice Nursing, 28 (4), 174-176. http://doi.org/10.12968/pnur.2017.28.4.174
White, N., Clark, D., Lewis, R., & Robson, W. (2016). The introduction of “Safety Science” into an undergraduate nursing programme at a large university in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 13 (1), 1-8. http://doi.org/10.1515/ijnes-2015-0007
Lewis, R., & Kelly, S. (2015). Education for healthcare clinical support workers. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 30 (15), 38-41. http://doi.org/10.7748/ns.30.15.38.s49
Lewis, R. (2015). Help to spot deterioration. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 29 (25), 74. http://doi.org/10.7748/ns.29.25.74.s66
Lewis, R. (2014). Reducing harm from pressure ulcers. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 29 (12), 74. http://doi.org/10.7748/ns.29.12.74.s63
Lewis, R. (2014). Addressing dehydration. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 28 (51), 74. http://doi.org/10.7748/ns.28.51.74.s59
Mcclimens, A., Brewster, J., & Lewis, R. (2014). Recognising and respecting patients’ cultural diversity. Nursing Standard, 28 (28), 45-52. http://doi.org/10.7748/ns2014.
Lewis, R. (2014). Blood glucose checks. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 28 (26), 66. http://doi.org/10.7748/ns2014.
Lewis, R. (2013). Fluid investigations. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 28 (12), 74. http://doi.org/10.7748/ns2013.
Lewis, R. (2013). Too hot… or too cold? Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 27 (51), 72. http://doi.org/10.7748/ns2013.
Mcclimens, A., Brewster, J., & Lewis, R. (2013). Treatment of clients in the NHS: a case study. Learning Disability Practice, 16 (6), 14-20.
Lewis, R. (2013). Keep pressure in check. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 27 (38), 72. http://doi.org/10.7748/ns2013.
Lewis, R. (2013). Get your finger on the pulse. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 27 (25), 72. http://doi.org/10.7748/ns2013.
Mcclimens, A., Brewster, J., & Lewis, R. (2013). Dr Tulp, I presume : intellectual disability and ethnicity in Rotherham. Journal of intellectual disabilities, 17 (1), 78-89. http://doi.org/10.1177/1744629512469172
Mcclimens, A., Lewis, R., & Brewster, J. (2012). Dr Tulp attends the soft machine: Patient simulators, user involvement and intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 16 (3), 173-182. http://doi.org/10.1177/1744629512451213
Lewis, R. (2012). An air of confidence. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 27 (13), 72. http://doi.org/10.7748/ns.27.13.72.s71
Lewis, R. (2012). Vital signs are vital for a reason. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 26 (51), 72. http://doi.org/10.7748/ns2012.
Lewis, R. (2012). Interprofessional learning in acute care: developing a theoretical framework. Nurse education today, 32 (3), 241-245. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2011.03.013
McClimens, A., Lewis, R., & Brewster, J. (2012). The anatomy lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp: what can it teach us today? Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 16 (1), 17-27. http://doi.org/10.1177/1744629512438037
Lewis, R. (2011). Learning the 'SMART' way... results from a pilot study evaluating an interprofessional acute care study day. Nurse education today, 31 (1), 88-93. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2010.04.001
Lewis, R. (2023). An Independent Evaluation of Phase One of the South Yorkshire Primary Care Innovation centre.
Nightingale, J., Urquhart-Kelly, T., Saunders, L., Monks, H., Ali, N., Ibbotson, R., & Lewis, R. (2021). 'Marvellous Nurses': An independent evaluation of the role, impact and contribution of Roald Dahl specialist nurses. Roald Dahl's Marvellous Charity. https://www.roalddahlcharity.org/dyn/_assets/_pdfs/marvellous_nurses_shu_report_september_2021.pdf
Nightingale, J., Urquhart-Kelly, T., Saunders, L., Monks, H., Ali, N., Ibbotson, R., & Lewis, R. (2021). 'Marvellous Nurses': An independent evaluation of the role, impact and contribution of Roald Dahl specialist nurses. Roald Dahl's Marvellous Charity. https://www.roalddahlcharity.org/dyn/_assets/_pdfs/marvellous_nurses_shu_report_september_2021.pdf
Lewis, R., France, A., & Fegan, C. (2018). Impact Evaluation of Integrated Care Practitioner Programme (phase 2): Report for North West UK Vanguard Steering Group and HEE.
Lewis, R. (2017). An Independent Analysis of the Care Homes Education and Training (CHETE) Initiative: Report for Doncaster Metropolitan Council and CCG.
Lewis, R., & Kelly, S. (2016). An Evaluation of the Yorkshire and Humber Advanced Training Practices Scheme: Report for HEE.
Lewis, R., Kelly, S., Whitfield, M., McKenzie-Smith, M., & Strachan, A. (2013). An evaluation of a simulation-based educational programme to equip HCAs with the necessary non-technical skills to undertake their role safely and effectively, specifically in relation to the measurement of vital signs. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Health and Social Care Research. http://www.shu.ac.uk/research/hsc/ourexpertise/evaluation-simulation-based-educational-programme-equip-hcas-necessary-non-technical-sk
Lewis, R. (2013). The evaluation of an educational programme at Master’s level for Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs). Unpublished.
Mcdonnell, A., & Gerrish, K. (2011). Capturing the impact of advanced practice roles in nursing.
Internet Publications
Lewis, R. (2024). General practice is in crisis in the UK – and it’s failing the people who need it most. https://theconversation.com/general-practice-is-in-crisis-in-the-uk-and-its-failing-the-people-who-need-it-most-224427
Lewis, R. (2023). Lucy Letby: child murder case highlights need to regulate managers and improve whistleblowing procedures. https://theconversation.com/lucy-letby-child-murder-case-highlights-need-to-regulate-managers-and-improve-whistleblowing-procedures-212077
Lewis, R. (2020). Addressing the NHS workforce crisis: what needs to be done? https://flickread.com/edition/html/index.php?pdf=5e56a367a7601#27
Lewis, R. (2020). This is the full scale of the NHS staffing problem. https://theconversation.com/nursing-expert-this-is-the-full-scale-of-nhs-staffing-problem-128250
Nightingale, J. (2019). Study delves into work of Charity’s underdog specialist nurses. [Press which includes quotes by J Nightingale]. https://www.nursingtimes.net/news/research-and-innovation/study-delves-into-work-of-charitys-underdog-specialist-nurses-22-11-2019/
Lewis, R. (2018). Dr Robin Lewis comments upon working with the Roald Dahl Marvellous Children's Charity.
Urquhart-Kelly, T., Monks, H., Nightingale, J., Ibbotson, R., Ali, N., Lewis, R., & Saunders, L. (2023). The Quality And Experience Of Care For Children, Young People And Their Families Receiving Care From Roald Dahl Specialist Nurses. Presented at: International Family Nursing Association Conference 2023 IFNA16, Dublin
Other activities
- Member of the UK Academy of Advanced Practice Research
- Reviewer for BMC Primary Care/BMC Medical Education/Nurse Education Today
Postgraduate supervision
I am currently supervising 2 PhD students:
• Paula Berridge: Case management in older adults with multimorbidity
• Laura Makey: Women, loneliness and HIV