Richard Pountney

Dr Richard Pountney Cert Ed, MSc, PhD, SFHEA

Principal Lecturer - Curriculum Development and E-Learning Lead Teacher Education


Richard is a Principal Lecturer in Education. He specialises in the design of the curriculum and professional development in learning and teaching. His research examines curriculum development in all phases of education and he is particularly interested in curriculum innovation in relation to the use of technology. He was awarded a teaching fellowship in 2006 in recognition of his contribution to learning and teaching in the university.


Richard has extensive experience of course design and curriculum development and leads learning and teaching across the Sheffield Institute of Education. He was awarded a university Teaching Fellowship for his contribution to learning and teaching in 2005. He teaches curriculum studies on the Masters in Education programme and leads the Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice in Mentoring in Educational Contexts. He led the international MSc Technology, Innovation and Change (TELIC) course 2005-16 described by the external examiner as having 'world-leading pedagogy' and a 'profound influence on the professional development of the students'.

He is convenor of the British Educational Research Association (BERA) Curriculum, Assessment, and Pedagogy SIG, and is member of the steering group of the BERA British Curriculum Forum. He was curriculum associate to the HEA Subject Centre for Sociology, Anthropology and Politics (CSAP), 2008-11, and was consultant to phases 1 and 2 CSAP national projects for the JISC Open Educational Resources (OER) initiative. In 2012 he successfully led a university bid for £200,000 funding to direct a phase 3 OER project, Digital Futures in Teacher Education (DEFT project) to create digital literacy resources including an open textbook on digital literacy developed in collaboration with Sheffield University, regional schools, Sheffield Council and the Yorkshire and Humber Grid for Learning. He is the chair of trustees at XP School Trust, Doncaster, and vice-chair of directors, and he leads the trust's curriculum committee. He designed the curriculum for the Mentoring Practice Enhancement Programme, and is curriculum lead for the GROW Mentoring Programme.

Richard leads the university's Knowledge in Education Research SIG and he is a founding member of the UK Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) research group. He is Research Associate to the Knowledge in Education Research Unit, at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He is active in researching the curriculum, and this currently includes an investigation into approaches to problem-based and expeditionary learning.


Department of Teacher Education

College of Social Sciences and Arts

MA Education

MA Professional Practice in Education

PGCert. Professional Practice in Mentoring in Educational Contexts

Curriculum Design and Innovation

Professional Learning for Mentoring Practice

Critical Thinking and Reflection on Mentoring Practice


Curriculum Design Coherence Model Knowledge Rich Schools: with the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and Keele and North Staffordshire Teaching Schools Alliance, investigating teachers' curriculum design.

GROW Mentoring Programme Evaluation: researching the impact of a programme of mentoring led by graduates for key stage 4 pupils returning to school after lockdown.

GROW Mentoring Programme

Wipro Teacher Fellow and Teacher Mentor Programme

Mentoring Practice Enhancement Programme

Edge Foundation


Journal articles

Pountney, R., Baumfield, V., Czerniawski, G., & Seleznyov, S. (2024). Editorial: New perspectives on curriculum: Rethinking collaborative enquiry and teachers' professional learning. The Curriculum Journal, 35 (4), 535-548.

Pountney, R. (2022). A “Curriculum of Hope”: Designing and Evaluating a Remote Mentoring Program for Pupils in a Pandemic. ECNU Review of Education - SAGE Journals.

Pountney, R., & Swift, D. (2022). Teachers’ use of the curriculum design coherence model in the primary school. Impact, Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching, 1 (14), 50-52.

Pountney, R., & Yang, W. (2021). International perspectives on the curriculum Implications for teachers & schools. BERA Research Intelligence, (148), 15.

Pountney, R., & Yang, W. (2021). International perspectives on the curriculum Implications for teachers & schools. BERA Research Intelligence, (148), 15.

Pountney, R. (2021). The activist curriculum & global climate change education Interruption, intervention or integration? BERA Research Intelligence, (148), 26-27.

Pountney, R. (2020). Sharing and building the higher education curriculum: course design in an open and collegial context. European Journal of Curriculum Studies.

Pountney, R. (2019). Seeing and framing mentoring through the lens of knowledge practices. CollectivEd, 7, 45-41.

Pountney, R., & McPhail, G. (2019). Crossing boundaries: Exploring the theory, practice and possibility of a ‘Future 3’ curriculum. British educational research journal.

Pountney, R., & Said, M. (2018). Developing effective learners through a school/university partnership in curriculum making. Impact, 3.

Pountney, R., & Grasmeder, A. (2018). Building bridges: enhancing mentoring skills, knowledge and practice through an online course. CollectivEd, 3, 50-56.

Pountney, R., & McPhail, G. (2017). Researching the interdisciplinary curriculum : the need for ‘translation devices’. British Educational Research Journal, 43 (6), 1068-1082.

Pountney, R., & Schimmel, H. (2015). Developing professional knowledge and expertise in educational technology: legacy, change and investment (Editorial). The Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, Innovation and Change, 1 (1), 1-17.

Gruszczynska, A., Merchant, G., & Pountney, R. (2013). "Digital futures in teacher education": Exploring open approaches towards digital literacy. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 11 (3), 193-206.

Craig, J., & Pountney, R. (2009). Editorial. Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences, 1 (3), 1-17.

Marsh, D., & Pountney, R. (2009). C-SAP scoping survey on the use of e-Learning: Perspectives from social science practitioners. Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences, 1 (3), 1-24.

Conference papers

Pountney, R. (2020). Locking Down and Catching Up: How Pupils Make Sense of a Curriculum for Recovery. ENCU Review of Education.

Pountney, R. (2020). Curriculum makers and thinkers: the case for curriculum studies in teacher education. In Pountney, R. (Ed.) Researching curriculum subjects: understanding how teachers plan, design and lead the curriculum, Online, 2020. BERA:

Pountney, R. (2020). Curriculum makers and thinkers: the case for curriculum studies in teacher education. In Pountney, R. (Ed.) Researching curriculum subjects: understanding how teachers plan, design and lead the curriculum, Online, 2020. BERA:

Pountney, R. (2020). Researching curriculum subjects: understanding how teachers plan, design and lead the curriculum. In Researching curriculum subjects: understanding how teachers plan, design and lead the curriculum, Online, 2020. British Education Research Association (BERA):

Pountney, R. (2020). The curriculum design coherence model. In Seleznyov, S., & Czerniawski, G. (Eds.) A research approach to curriculum development, London, 15 November 2019 (pp. 17). BERA, British Curriculum Forum:

Pountney, R., & Coldwell, M. (2019). Practice knowledge and teacher mentoring: what can realism teach us about professional learning? [abstract only]. In IPDA Conference 2019: Harnessing creativity in changing times: risk, resilience and professional learning across the professions, 29 November 2019 - 30 November 2019 (pp. 24-25). International Professional Development Association:

Pountney, R., & McPhail, G. (2019). Researching the interdisciplinary curriculum: a case study in developing theory and method [abstract only]. In BERA Annual Conference 2019, Manchester, 10 September 2019 - 12 September 2019.

Pountney, R., & McPhail, G. (2019). Crossing boundaries: exploring the theory, practice, and possibility of a ‘Future 3’ curriculum [abstract only]. In Fifth Cambridge Symposium on Knowledge in Education, Cambridge University, 1 July 2019 - 3 July 2021.

Pountney, R. (2019). Trials and tribunals: epistemic insights operating in the design and approval of degree courses in UK education [abstract only]. In CURRICULUM: ORIGINS, TRAJECTORIES AND PRACTICES, Dublin, Ireland, 7 June 2019 - 8 June 2019. European Association of Curriculum Studies

Pountney, R. (2017). Theorising teacher-led, student-led learning in a problem based curriculum [abstract only]. In Fourth International Social Realism Symposium, Cambridge University, UK, 4 July 2017 - 6 July 2017.

Pountney, R. (2016). Teaching as learning: teacher autonomy in developing quality of teaching. In Faculty of Education Seminar Series, Auckland, New Zealand, 12 April 2016. KERU, University of Auckland

Pountney, R. (2016). Developing a school system fit for a curriculum and a pedagogy. In Knowledge in Education Symposium, Auckland, New Zealand, 24 March 2016. KERU, University of Auckland

Pountney, R. (2015). Autonomy and consensus-seeking in course planning and approval in higher education [abstract only]. In Third International Social Realism Symposium, Cambridge, UK, 29 June 2015 - 1 July 2015.

Pountney, R. (2015). The specialisation of autonomy: epistemic insights operating in curriculum approval [Abstract only]. In Winberg, C., McKenna, S., Shay, S., & Maton, K. (Eds.) First International Legitimation Code Theory Conference, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, in Cape Town, South Africa, 18 June 2015 - 19 June 2015.

Pountney, R. (2015). Autonomy and consensus-seeking in course planning and approval in higher education [Abstract only]. In Shore, C., & Read, L. (Eds.) Universities in the Knowledge Economy: Transforming Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Rim and Europe, Faculty of Arts, The University of Auckland, New Zealand, 10 February 2015 - 13 February 2015 (pp. 47). The University of Auckland:

Pountney, R. (2013). Creating the curriculum for ‘whoever’ and ‘whatever’: institutional ‘consensus-seeking’ in the higher education curriculum. In 6th Annual Conference of the Higher Education Institutional Research (HEIR) Network: Productive Partnerships: Engaging stakeholders Institutional Research, Birmingham City University, 11 July 2013 - 12 July 2013. Higher Education Institutional Research (HEIR):

Gruszczynska, A., Merchant, G., & Pountney, R. (2012). "Digital Futures in Teacher Education" Project: Exploring Open Approaches towards Digital Literacy. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 11TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON E-LEARNING, 206-213.

Pountney, R. (2009). Speaking our minds: issues in designing learning with reflection and reflective practice. In Research and Scholarship in Learning, Teaching and Assessment, Sheffield, UK, 13 February 2009. Sheffield Hallam University

Hudson, A., & Pountney, R. (2004). Developing online communities: personal goals, roles, relationships and critical incidents. In European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Faculty of Education on the Rethymnon Campus of the University of Crete, 22 September 2004 - 25 September 2004.

Aspden, E., & Pountney, R. (2002). Communal constructivism and networked learning: implications for pedagogy and practice. In Driscoll, M., & Reeves, T.C. (Eds.) E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Montreal, Canada, 9 October 2012 - 12 October 2012 (pp. 2043-2046). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education:

Pountney, R., Parr, S., & Whittaker, V. (2002). Communal Constructivism and Networked Learning: Reflections on a Case Study. In Banks, S., Goodyear, P., McConnell, D., & Hodgson, V. (Eds.) 3rd International Conference on Networked Learning, University of Sheffield, 26 March 2002 - 28 March 2002. Shefield University:

Pountney, R., & Oxholm, A. (2001). Supporting and evaluating students’ use of an electronic discussion board. In Price, J., Willis, D.A., & Willis, J. (Eds.) SITE 2001--Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Orlando, Florida, (pp. 275-276). Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education:

Book chapters

McPhail, G., Pountney, R., & Wheelahan, L. (2024). Introduction. In Emerging Perspectives from Social Realism on Knowledge and Education. (pp. 3-19). Routledge:

Pountney, R., & McPhail, G. (2024). Crossing boundaries. In Emerging Perspectives from Social Realism on Knowledge and Education. (pp. 216-235). Routledge:

Pountney, R., & Coldwell, M. (2024). Practice knowledge and teacher mentoring. In Emerging Perspectives from Social Realism on Knowledge and Education. (pp. 142-161). Routledge:

Pountney, R. (2024). Developing a curriculum for recovery: embracing self-regulated learning and metacognition. In Czerniawski, G., Jones, S., Holmes-Henderson, A., Pountney, R., Pugh, V.-.M., & Yang, W. (Eds.) Curriculum in a changing world: 50 think pieces on education, policy, practice, innovation & inclusion. London: British Educational Research Association:

Pountney, R. (2024). Developing a curriculum for recovery: embracing self-regulated learning and metacognition. In Czerniawski, G., Jones, S., Holmes-Henderson, A., Pountney, R., Pugh, V.-.M., & Yang, W. (Eds.) Curriculum in a changing world: 50 think pieces on education, policy, practice, innovation & inclusion. London: British Educational Research Association:

Pountney, R., Rata, E., & swift, D. (2024). Exploring curriculum coherence and professional knowledge. In Baumfield, V., Wyse, D., Mockler, N., & Reardon, M. (Eds.) The BERA-SAGE International Handbook of Research-Informed Education Practice and Policy. BERA / Sage

Pountney, R., & Swift, D. (2024). Teacher Education and the Curriculum. In Rata, E. (Ed.) Research Handbook on Curriculum and Education. (pp. 281-292). Edward Elgar Publishing:

Pountney, R., & Swift, D. (2024). Teacher Education and the Curriculum. In Rata, E. (Ed.) Research Handbook on Curriculum and Education. (pp. 281-292). Edward Elgar Publishing:

Pountney, R., & Swift, D. (2024). Teacher education and the curriculum. In Research Handbook on Curriculum and Education. (pp. 280-291).

Pountney, R., & Timmers, K. (2023). The Design of the Curriculum for Sustainability and Climate Education in the Early Years. In Yang, W., Kewalramani, S., & Senthil, J. (Eds.) Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Education in the Early Years : Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. (pp. 195-208). London: Routledge:

Pountney, R., & Timmers, K. (2023). THE DESIGN OF THE CURRICULUM FOR SUSTAINABILITY AND CLIMATE EDUCATION IN THE EARLY YEARS. In Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (Steam) Education in the Early Years: Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. (pp. 195-208).


McPhail, G., Pountney, R., & Wheelahan, L. (n.d.). Emerging Perspectives from Social Realism on Knowledge and Education. Routledge.


Pountney, R. (2022). Evaluation of the XP Trust D6. Sheffield Hallam University.

Pountney, R., Booth, J., & Campbell, R. (2021). Evaluation of the GROW programme report. Sheffield Hallam University.

Pountney, R. (2019). Towards a review of the Steiner Waldorf Curriculum : report of the Rapid Appraisal (RA) Consultation Exercise undertaken in March 2019. Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University for The Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship.

Theses / Dissertations

Windle, D. (2024). Understanding Experiences of High Achieving Sixth-form Students Through the Oxbridge Application Process. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Pountney, R., & Mccaig, C.

Pountney, R. (2014). Trials and tribunals: consensus seeking in course design approval in Higher Education. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Merchant, G.

Internet Publications

Richardson, M., Yang, W., & Pountney, R. (2023). Toward a digital future of curriculum, pedagogy & assessment. [PDF (download)].

Richardson, M., Yang, W., & Pountney, R. (2023). Toward a digital future of curriculum, pedagogy & assessment. [PDF (download)].

Richardson, M., Yang, W., & Pountney, R. (2023). Toward a digital future of curriculum, pedagogy & assessment. [PDF (download)].


Perry, E., Booth, J., Bevins, S., Pountney, R., & Halliday, J. (2022). Supporting Teacher Leadership Development: Roles, Growth and Research. Presented at: NARST

Perry, E., & Pountney, R. (2019). Cross-curricular science. Presented at: ASE Futures conference, Sheffield

Pountney, R. (2019). Open schools, open curriculum: towards a Future 3 scenario [abstract only]. Presented at: Does curriculum matter?, Sheffield, UK, 2019

Pountney, R. (2019). Open schools, open curriculum: towards a Future 3 scenario [abstract only]. Presented at: Does curriculum matter?, Sheffield, UK, 2019

Pountney, R. (2019). Open schools, open curriculum: towards a Future 3 scenario [abstract only]. Presented at: Does curriculum matter?, Sheffield, UK, 2019

Pountney, R. (2019). Examining teachers’ autonomy in curriculum making in Higher Education. Presented at: A social realist methodology: how Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) informs our educational research, Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University

Pountney, R. (2019). Examining teachers’ autonomy in curriculum making in Higher Education. Presented at: A social realist methodology: how Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) informs our educational research, Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University

Pountney, R. (2019). Examining teachers’ autonomy in curriculum making in Higher Education. Presented at: A social realist methodology: how Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) informs our educational research, Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University

Perry, E., Jordan, J., Pountney, R., & Boylan, M. (2018). Professional development facilitators: theorising knowledge, skills and practice. Presented at: British Educational Research Association conference, Newcastle

Pountney, R., Rata, E., & McPhail, G. (2017). Theorising Teacher-led, student-led learning in a project based curriculum [abstract only]. Presented at: Epistemic justice: knowledge and the school curriculum, Sheffield, 2017

Pountney, R., Rata, E., & McPhail, G. (2017). Theorising Teacher-led, student-led learning in a project based curriculum [abstract only]. Presented at: Epistemic justice: knowledge and the school curriculum, Sheffield, 2017

Pountney, R., Rata, E., & McPhail, G. (2017). Theorising Teacher-led, student-led learning in a project based curriculum [abstract only]. Presented at: Epistemic justice: knowledge and the school curriculum, Sheffield, 2017

Pountney, R. (2015). Social Realism Symposium: International perspectives on knowledge and the curriculum. Presented at: Social Realism Symposium: International perspectives on knowledge and the curriculum, Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University, 2015

Pountney, R. (2015). Social Realism Symposium: International perspectives on knowledge and the curriculum. Presented at: Social Realism Symposium: International perspectives on knowledge and the curriculum, Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University, 2015

Pountney, R. (2015). Social Realism Symposium: International perspectives on knowledge and the curriculum. Presented at: Social Realism Symposium: International perspectives on knowledge and the curriculum, Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University, 2015

Pountney, R. (2015). A fair exchange? Sharing the Social Science curriculum in the context of the Open Education movement in Higher Education. Presented at: A fair exchange? Sharing the Social Science curriculum in the context of the Open Education movement in Higher Education, Faculty of Education, University of Wellington, New Zealand, 2015

Pountney, R., Aldred, E., Kirk, S., & Ladenika, T. (2014). Using Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) to develop external languages of description in empirical research in education [abstract only]. Presented at: Using Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) to develop external languages of description in empirical research in education, Sheffield, UK, 2014

Pountney, R., Aldred, E., Kirk, S., & Ladenika, T. (2014). Using Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) to develop external languages of description in empirical research in education [abstract only]. Presented at: Using Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) to develop external languages of description in empirical research in education, Sheffield, UK, 2014

Pountney, R., Aldred, E., Kirk, S., & Ladenika, T. (2014). Using Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) to develop external languages of description in empirical research in education [abstract only]. Presented at: Using Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) to develop external languages of description in empirical research in education, Sheffield, UK, 2014

Pountney, R. (2014). Describing what? The articulation of curriculum in the context of course planning, design and approval in Higher Education [abstract only]. Presented at: Research seminar, Leicester, UK, 2014

Pountney, R., & Bamford, S. (2003). Developing the Use of Virtual Learning Environments: Meeting Staff Needs. Presented at: ALT-C 2003 Communities of Practice, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, 2003

Other activities

Co-convenor BERA Curriculum, Assessment and Pedagogy SIG

Steering Group BERA British Curriculum Forum

Postgraduate supervision

Curriculum, assessment and pedagogy; knowledge and knowledge theory; mentoring; teacher education.

Danny Drijvers: Perceived course barriers and drivers for students in distance education, MSc 2015
Julie Gillin: Learning to be a journalist: the university newsroom as a technology enhanced learning environment, MSc 2015
Marc Bennett: ReCap: The links between lecture capture and student engagement, MSc 2015
Sue Beckingham: The affordances of Twitter as a multi-faceted informal, social, and personal learning space, MSc 2015
Marianne De Vriendt: Implementing blended learning, in the form of a learning network, to enhance social learning, MSc. 2014
Koen Timmers: Supporting the online learner: a case study of building an online community to promote collaborative learning in unpaced distance education, MSc. 2014
Dave Weatherall: An investigation into use of online blogs for in module reflective learning by international students (with English as a third language) studying undergraduate block programmes in the Built Environment at Sheffield Hallam University, MSc. 2014
Christiaan van Meurs: The use of coping strategies as a means of fostering personal development for students with a disability: a case study, MSc. 2014
Aukje van Pelt: Student admission through decentralised selection at the Physiotherapy course of HAN University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands, MSc. 2014
Claire Adams: The impact of design: A study exploring the role of aesthetics and learning design in facilitating user engagement in an online learning environment, MSc. 2013
Marcel van Baaren: A plan for learning for a course on digital pedagogy for e-learning developers. MSc. 2013
Rene Slootweg: Learning Profile of managers in a Higher Educational Institute in the Netherlands. MSc, 2013
Philipp Stosiek: Tag clouds as a learning instrument: Case study to evaluate effects on ‘Learning Health Region Neumarkt’, MSc. 2012
Joop De Vries: The Community of Inquiry framework as a model for measuring learning outcomes and guide for design of a blended teacher training history module: a case study. MSc, 2012
Virginia Parkes: An Evaluation of Online Training and Development within the Training and Development Agency. MSc, 2012
Sebastiaan Jans: Game-based Learning: a research of the potential benefits in education. MSc. 2011
Arjun Sharma: City Learning Centres UK: an exploratory study. MSc, 2009
Marc Wells: Designing a 'fit for purpose' virtual learning environment for a distance learning community, MSc, 2009
Abdulsalam Ambusaidi: Quality Assurance for Online Programs at Sultan Qaboos University: challenges and facts, MSc, 2008
Mohamed Mahmoud: Online Journals of E-learning In Education: Research, Practice and Development, MSc, 2008
Roger Haigh: Engaging Interests in e-learning. Examining the potential for a community of e learning practice within South Yorkshire Police, MSc, 2008
Fareena Mahmoud: Trial and evaluation of a key asynchronous e-learning intervention to provide study skills support to undergraduate students, MSc, 2008
Pat Cresswell: Developing the skills for the effective use of a virtual learning environment at a Further Education College, MSc, 2008
Michael Yates: The implications of the introduction of a blended learning solutions induction programme into South Yorkshire Police : A Case Study, MSc, 2006
Ian Guest: The Contribution of videoconferencing to a distance learning A level course: Just a Big Head?, MSc. 2006
Sue Bamford: Developing the use of the Virtual Learning Environment: an investigation into the use of Blackboard within a Primary programme for Initial Teacher Training, MSc, 2006
Vic Whittaker: Individual Presence in Discussion Groups: A Case Study, MSc, 2006

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